
Perfect Weekend Breakfast: Spam, Sweet Potato & Red Pepper Hash with a Poached Egg

I love food. Sometimes it's the intricately made sushi rolls, while other times it's slowly braised lamb shanks with tomatoes and tender white beans on a bed of creamy polenta. Last night for dinner I had a bowl of home made guacamole with home made tortilla chips. My point is that my love for food covers quite a large range of cuisines and levels of fanciness.

So then it should come as no shock that I have ZERO shame in occasionally wanting to eat Spam. I wrote about my cravings for Spam in this post for Spam & Egg Breakfast Sandwich and also in this post about Home Fries and Spam. Both posts received comments basically saying how Spam brings back memories of war and poor childhoods and that most people would not eat it.

Fine. Don't. I'm not here to force you to eat anything you don't like. But this Spam, Sweet Potato & Red Pepper Hash with a Poached Egg breakfast I made last weekend was really good, and I hope you do make it. If you are completely against Spam, just use ham.

Spam, Sweet Potato & Red Pepper Hash with a Poached Egg

Ingredients (for 1 serving)
1-2 teaspoons olive oil
1/4 cup diced white onion
1/4-1/3 cups peeled diced sweet potato
1/2 charred and diced jalapeno pepper
1/4 cup diced Spam
1/2 red pepper, diced
salt & pepper to taste
1 poached egg
2 slices toasted bread

Please note that everything, other than the charred jalapeno, is uniformally diced. What can I say....I do teach knife skills classes ;)


1. Heat a cast iron skillet on medium heat. Add olive oil and allow to heat. Add onions and sweet potatoes and saute for about 7 minutes.

2. Add charred jalapeno, Spam and red peppers. Season with salt & pepper and cook on medium heat until potatoes are cooked through and all the other ingredients have turned a lovely golden brown color. It helps if your ingredients are in one layer in the skillet.

3. Since this is breakfast for one, serve it to yourself directly in a skillet (just to make sure to place it on a thick cutting board so you don't damage your table or your knees if you will eat this on your lap) topped with a poached egg and with a side of toasted bread.

Will you give Spam a try???

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Alright, I love Spam. I hate myself afterwards, but I love it! This reminds me of some breakfasts my dad would make - fried eggs, spam and rice (I would add ketchup, ha ha). Total comfort food!

  2. do not hate yourself!!!!! there is nothing wrong with loving SPAM ;) I also sometimes make bread + mayo + spam + tomato sandwiches. I only eat this once every other year or so ;)

  3. gorgeous colors! Admittedly, I've never eaten spam, but I'm not opposed--I love corned beef and hash (the canned stuff most people would say 'yick!' to). I also don't live near normal grocery stores, sadly, so I may just try this with regular ham!

  4. I bought mine at Rite Aid (similar to CVS)...so no excuses ;)

  5. What a great post! Thank you for taking the time to write this post, as well as the other ones you mentioned. The photos are beautiful and we're sure that the flavors are sensational.

  6. Look at those dicing skills! I need a lesson.

  7. You must be from Hawaii!


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