
Corn Salad inside a Tomato

Root Source Challenge for this week is Sweet Corn. Ideally, sweet corn should not even be cooked. That's what inspired this Corn Salad inside a Tomato idea.

1 ear of corn, kernels removed
1/2 cup black beans
2 tablespoons of finely diced red onion
2 tablespoons dill, chopped
1 garlic clove, finely minced (or use a Microplane)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoons red wine vinegar
salt & pepper to taste
a few tomatoes, top and insides carefully removed using a melon baller

1. Combine the first four ingredients
2. In a separate bowl, whisk together garlic, olive oil and vinegar, and season with salt & pepper
3. Add the dressing to corn/beans/onion/dill mixture
4. Spoon the salad into a tomato


  1. interesting you chose dill over cilantro... :)

  2. That's a very beautiful salad. Do you scoop the insides out before eating the tomato, or just chomp the whole thing?

  3. Nate-n-Annie,
    Yep, I pretty much just chopmed thed whole thing :) Good thing I was home by myself.

  4. Mmm- this looks delicious. Beautiful presentation!


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