
I feel so flattered

One of the biggest rewards of writing this blog, is seeing your comments. I love them. They make me smile, feel appreciated, and happy that you like my ideas. (We all want to be liked, right?)

Another reward is when other bloggers mention me in their posts, or recreate my recipes.

Here are just two examples:
One blogger recreated my mini fritatas recipe; another recreated my no-cooking-required mango soup.

PS: Here's another one: Wednesday Night: Sweet Potato-Carrot-Ginger Soup


  1. Hi Olga,

    Actually I did not write much apart from the recipe. It just says that I finally managed to make a photo of something I cooked (because usually I forget to do it). And of course I mentioned that it is your recipe and that I just changed it a little bit. I used corn and carrots instead of broccoli.
    Thanks so much for your recipe, my boyfriend and brother loved it as well!

  2. yay! of course we love your blog!

  3. Thank you for the wonderful mango soup recipe Olga... I enjoyed every bit of it... and now I am going to send some people over here so that you can explain why you called it a soup ;)


Thanks for stopping by Mango & Tomato. I love reading your comments and will try my best to respond to any specific questions you might have. Come back soon!