
Italian Sausage Calzones: Mmm Mmm Good!

The next Root Source Challenge from Cookthink is Italian Sausage. Before I came up with the idea for these Red, White and Green Italian Sausage Calzones, I thought about making Italian sausage meatball sandwich; Italian sausage arugula salad; pizza; and even soup. But the calzones won! (Red: tomatoes/sausage/red pepper flakes; white: onions, cheese, dough; green: cilantro)


8 oz of Italian sausage, browned, seasoned with red pepper flakes and oregano if needed
1/4 white onion, thinly sliced
1 small tomatoes, seeds removed, cubed
a few tablespoons of cilantro, chopped
1/4 cup of shredded cheese, or more
olive oil
1 pizza crust in the "can"


1) preheat the oven to 425F (place a cookie sheet inside)
2) meanwhile spread the uncooked pizza dough on a oiled cutting board and divide into 2 parts
3) use a fork to make some holes in the dough
4) top each piece of dough with a bit of olive oil, sausage, sliced onions, tomatoes, cilantro and cheese

5) carefully fold each dough to make calzones and seal the edges
6) spread a bit of oil on top of the calzones and cut a few slits to allow the air to escape

7) carefully place the calzones on the preheated cookie sheet (either use parchment paper and or cornmeal on the cookie sheet to prevent sticking)
8) bake for 18 minutes
9) remove calzones from the oven and let cool for a few minutes

10) slice in half and enjoy!

They were huge! I barely was able to eat 1/2 of the calzone...but the night is still young :)


  1. I love the combinations you put together. This looks mouth wateringly good!

  2. rootsource should just hire you...you come up with all that good stuff, win all the time, and then nobody else gets a chance :D

  3. Those look really good! I would've thought you would have to put more sauce in them but they looks just right.

  4. It's a delicious winner!

  5. that looks incredible :) Nice!

  6. Love the cilantro! We thought it was basil at first. Pleasant surprise.

  7. I'm totally going to make this receipe!!! Yummy!


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