
Oldie, but Goodie: Smoked Salmon & Brie Sandwich

I'm reposting this sandwich because I'm submitting it to the SnackShots #6: Sandwich contest.

While at the grocery store I was inspired by smoked salmon on sale. I'm Jewish, and one of my favorite sandwiches is bagel with cream cheese and lox. For the contest, I decided to give this classic a bit of a twist.

Ingredients and Directions
1) In a food processor puree a roasted red pepper, a tablespoon of capers and a drizzle of olive oil
2) Split a sundried tomato ciabata in half and smear the roasted red pepper spread on the bottom
3) Top with thinly sliced red onion, layers of smoked salmon, slices of brie cheese, and top with the other half of ciabata

Enjoy! This could not have been easier.

Note: originally I was planning on using slices of roasted peppers instead of a puree, but Jenny thought the sandwich will not hold together. I thought that sounded reasonable, and went with the puree. Having done so, I think my original idea was better. Try it whichever way you like: the taste is fabulous!


  1. I just discovered your blog. This sandwich looks really good. I'll be back.

  2. this by far surpasses the breakfast sandwich i had today!

  3. This sandwich sounds really good. I like the idea of the red pepper and capers puree. If you wanted to get really rich, perhaps you could have made a puree including some of the brie itself, and/or perhaps caviar (I think caviar's flavor goes well with smoked salmon).

    I recently made some smoked salmon and brie pizza myself. The salmon-brie flavor combination is just so good.

  4. I just found your site (3 years too late!!) and this looks delicious. Leave it to the Jewish to come up with the best recipes for preserved proteins!!

  5. I'm so glad!! Better later than never ;)


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