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Shoud I be ashamed?

I came home after dinner w/Jason tonight and still really wanted to have some food: the food at dinner wasn't really that good.

So, I made a sandwich: white bread, mayo, white onion, tomatoes and shredded cheese. Classy, huh? This is similar to my mashed potato sandwich.

Update: thank you all for your "don't be ashamed comments"!!!! I also decided to "compose" a picture: courtesy of Clip Art images.


Anonymous said...

No shame! Shame is ordering from Dominos on my computer, then watching the Pizza Tracker in utter fascination ;-)

Anonymous said...

No shame, indeed. Very smart, instead and creative. Wish I could see a photo. ;-)


Anonymous said...

BTW, I went to breakfast with a friend this morning and 30 minutes later, I was starved. Not a very good breakfast, I'm afraid.


sj said...

It happens, I think no one can feed us as well as ourselves sometimes.... and I happen to think your mashed potato sandwich sounds rather good too :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you - have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

My lunch today was 1 piece of turkey wrapped around a piece of tomato dipped in a pot of mustard. No shame my friend =)

My Yummy Life

Pam said...

Sometimes the best things are the simple and easy. It sounds like a great sandwich to me.