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Vegas: Jean-Philippe

I've done quite a bit of cooking over the weekend, and made a really simple and delicious pizza at home last night. Alas, all my photographs are inside my camera. And as much as I'd love to believe that you are reading each and every single one of my words, I know that a lot of you are here for the photos (I do the same thing, no worries!).

And so instead of sharing my latest and greatest recipes with you, for now I'll share a few photos from Jean-Philippe in Belagio in Vegas.

ooh, a chocolate fountain! how tempting is it to just stick your finger under the chocolate? and look at the big chocolate egg and boat creations! and a gorgeous variety of individual desserts!

and then there was a crepe station

Lera and I got crepes with Nutella and whipped cream. They were pretty good and ginormous! We could have easily split one. Alas, they weren't nearly as good or inexpensive as the crepes I had in Paris during my February trip there three years ago with Anna and Jen....ooh the memories!


Anonymous said...

What divine little cakes :)

Anonymous said...

Nice desserts! Crepes sound good, maybe I'll make some for dinner :)

The Purple Carrot said...

Haha, and I was looking forward the a picture of that pizza you were talking about! ; )

Unknown said...

Wow, a crape station! It's like a little willy wonka world. :)

BlueToYou said...

omg i so want to go there!

Ninette said...

Hi, I was scrolling through your site and saw this one. We were there in March and the #1 thing on my ten-year-old's list was to go the chocolate fountain. My favorite place was Bouchon -- I could go there every day. I wrote about both places and other restaurants at if anyone's interested.

Marie said...

One of my favorite places to stop by for a crepe when I'm in vegas! It's so beautiful and I get gelato and a crepe at the same time, haha. Nutella, love the stuff =)