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Mexican Food at Los Tios in Alexandria

On Wednesday Jenn and I decided to get together and catch up. Of course food had to be involved. Since it was a gorgeous day, Jenn suggested Los Tios in Del Ray area of Alexandria. They have a patio with tables, and we liked the food there last time. Our friend Cat joined us too.

We started with white sangria for Jenn and me and red sangria for Cat. DELICIOUS! And such pretty presentation. The sangria must have been on a weaker side, because it did not go to my head at all. While we sipped our drinks and ate chips and salsa (the salsa was awesome: you could see chunks of fresh tomatoes and onions, and it was just medium hot) we caught up on all the latest and greatest news in our lives.

And then it was time to order! I chose beef fajitas. That was a great choice. The beef came out steaming hot and smelling of fire (in a good way). It was cooked with onions and peppers, as you would expect, but also had a surprising ingredient: celery! The steak was juicy, tender and well seasoned. The rice, beans, salsa and guacamole were a perfect accompaniment.

And then there was dessert! Yes, after that big meal, we still ordered dessert. Why? Because I'm not the only one who wants a bit of sweetness after a meal, and I also thought it'd be a good chance for me to get something to write about for SugarBomber.

We decided to share an order of sopaipillas (fried dough with honey, whipped cream and chocolate sauce) and tres leches (cake cooked and soaked in 3 different kinds of milk). Let me just say, there were no leftovers!

This was a perfect way to spend a Wednesday night with some friends. Good company, good food, fun atmosphere.

I would definitely recommend this place for your dining enjoyment ;)
And then it was time for Jenn to give me a ride home (I assure you all the effects of sangria were well gone by then), after which I went salsa dancing...and hopefully burned at least 1/100th of the dessert!


Unknown said...

Sounds like a yummy place! Everything looks delicious!!

Anonymous said...

OOOh that food looks good. I love Mexican food. Those fajitas look delicious!

Anonymous said...

Sounds excellent especially those desserts :) We need to get to Alexandria soon, we haven't been there since before Hannah was born. She would really love it too.

The Duo Dishes said...

That looks like some good food. The fajitas look delicious! But the desserts are the best part. :) We need that (and ice cream for our galette! You were right!).

Simones Kitchen said...

That looks delicious! I too always have to have a dessert (well, almost always) I just love to try it out, but this all looks very nice indeed! How can you possible manage to go salsa dancing after a dinner like that.. :) I think I would not survive!

avesta said...

You are my kind of dinner date! I would love going to dinner with you!!!! and salsa dancing after dinner! how fun!!!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Great looking meal. Haven't had sangria in ages.

Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

Wow Olga what a wonderful place and lavish desserts! Can I go with you next time? ;)



Anonymous said...

the fajita dish looks TO DIE FOR! I'm so glad I found a fellow DC metro blogger so I can actually visit the restaurants they recommend!

Sara said...

I love mexican food, but I don't think I've ever ordered dessert at a mexican restaurant! I'll need to check the dessert menu next time I go to our local spot.