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Daring Cooks: Potstickers

This month's Daring Cooks challenge was Potstickers! I have made these delicious treats before, but have always used prepared wonton wrappers...not this time! I had to make all components from scratch.

Ground chicken was on sale, so I decided to make my filling with that ingredient:

2.5 ounces bamboo shoots, finely diced
2.5 ounces water chestnuts, finely diced
1/2 red pepper, finely diced
1 inch ginger, peeled, microplaned
2 garlic cloves, microplaned
2 scallions, finely chopped
1 carrot, peeled, grated
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon mirin
2 teaspoons sesame seed oil
1 pound ground chicken

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Fry up a few mini meatballs to see if you like the flavor. I did!

The dough was made from 2 cups of flour and about 1/2 water (add more water if necessary). Knead the dough for a few minutes and the let it sit covered for 15 minutes. I rolled out some of the dough using a rolling pin, but then decided to make life easier for myself and use my pasta machine! So much simpler! I also used my biscuit cutters to cut out the round shapes and then filled them with the ground chicken mixture. My crimping job wasn't the best, but it held everything together. I ended up leaving 2/3 of the dough and filling for the next day.

I decided to pan-fry my potstickers. What I did was pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil in a pan, added potstickers (in a pretty flower pattern) and let them brown on the bottom.
Then, I very careful poured 1/2 cup of water into the pan, covered it and let the water boil out. Once that happened, I took the lid off and let the potstickers cook for another 2 minutes.

Here's the dipping sauce that I made:

2 tablespoons finely minced ginger
1 scallion, minced
2 shakes of red pepper flakes
1/3 cup soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame seed oil
1 tablespoon white vinegar

Yesterday, I sauteed the rest of the filling in a pan and made wide pasta from the rest of the dough.


Hugging the Coast said...

These definitely look delicious! I love the dramatic looking plates you used as well!

recipes2share said...

These look great and sound really tasty, Olga!

Shelby said...

I haven't made them but I want to! They look absolutely yummy!

Karen said...

I have made spring rolls but have never gotten around to wontons or pot stickers. I am feeling a Chinese dinner coming on!


Great job on the challenge and wonderful presentation! I love your serving plates!!

Mountain Mama said...

You know, it never occured to me to use my pasta maker. Duh! What a great idea.

Anna said...

Hello - it's again this time of the month ;) Your potstickers look soooo delicious! I love the presentation - great job! Cheers.

Delicious Dishings said...

Your dumplings look great too! And I love your plate. I really like the idea of frying up little filling meatballs. I wish I ahd thought of that. It would definitely help with flavoring the filling.

Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

You're building up my appetite in a fast way… they look sublime!
Here I can call them special empanadas too :)



Unknown said...

Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog.
Your dumpligs look delicious as well.
I'm Spanish and my best friend also calls me Olguita :D
PD: I start following your blog!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your dumplings look absolutely delicious. Congratulations on a challenge well done.

pigpigscorner said...

Yours look perfect! I've nvr made my own wrappers. Would love to try it one day! Sounds fun.

Lisa said...

I love the ground chicken in lieu of the pork, and your dumplings look positively delectable lovely!

Madeline said...

I think your pleating job looks great! I love your flower pattern in the pan :) Nice work!

Simones Kitchen said...

Ah... see we both used chicken! Yours look fabulous and I love the dish you displayed them on. Very asian!
And you speak Russian!! How funny is that? Maybe you can come over for the next workshop and tell them everything in russian. I am sure it will have the same effect... haha..:) (it's a good thing you can't see me right now, as I have a ridiculous grin on my face...)

Anonymous said...

Great job, you put those together so beautifully :)

Dewi said...

Fabulous potstickers. I should try to make it myself. Wow, great job Olga.

Unknown said...

Those look really yummy Olga! The sauce too! :)

♥peachkins♥ said...

These look really good!

meg said...

I love potstickers and these look absolutely fabulous!

Chef Fresco said...

I've seen a couple of these baker's challenges, but yours has a very beautiful display! Nice work!

cathy said...

Oh my, these look delicious! Thank you for passing this along!

Anonymous said...

These are awesome! How neat that you made the dough too! Very nice!

Sara said...

I have always wanted to make potstickers, yours look perfect! Love that black plate too :)

Audax said...

Just love the last two pixs beautiful plating and the pictures are so clear and explain everything well. Well done on this challenge. Cheers from Audax in Australia.

Anonymous said...

I love your plating - that is perfect for this challenge. Lovely execution.

Laurel said...

Excellent work on your first handmade potsticker wrappers! Delicioso! You're makin' me hungry!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous! they look just perfect!

Melissa said...

Love the plates! Your dumplings look great!

Esi said...

Nice job! I like the filling you chose.

Anonymous said...

Your dumplings look wonderfully plump and delicious, and I adore your plate too. Lovely job!

Salt N Turmeric said...

Wow! You made the wrapper from scratch? I just buy my potstickers frozen fr the store. lol.

Anonymous said...

When I saw the photo of the meatball testers I thought they were potstickers and thought to myself,"She needs help". My bad.

Everything turned out beautiful and using your pasta to roll out the dough was a neat trick.

Jen Yu said...

Will you just look at those beauties you cranked out?! They're lovely and I think you totally owned this challenge. Great job and I love your test to see if you liked the filling :) Congratulations!

Jenny said...

Great idea using the pasta roller, think I'll try that next time.
Btw, I love your plate.

ice tea: sugar high said...

those dumplings looked great! I love your plate.

Cheri said...

Oh yum! Your chicken filling sounds so delicious!And,it sounds a whole lot simpler to roll out the dough and then use a biscuit cutter... I just may have to try that next time! Kudos!

Samahita said...

I love the pics you have taken....the one with the semi-circular plate and the chopsticks. Good work. I have added you to my blogroll. Will keep visiting for more recipes here.