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Pancakes with Peaches and Chocolate Chips

Pancakes with Peaches and Chocolate Chips
Even if I was a mom, I doubt I'd make pancakes from scratch. I guess I'm a little bit like that semi-home-made lady on Food TV (but I'd like to think that I'm way better!). Often, I think it's perfectly ok to take canned or boxed ingredients and turn them into fabulous meals without feeling any guilt whatsoever.

Take pancakes for example. Having a quick boxed mix where you only need to add water is insanely convenient. Not having to worry about the amounts of flour/egg/oil/water/milk to mix gives you a chance to get creative and think of wonderful things you can add into your pancakes!

If you recall, once I made pancakes with apples, cranberries, dried apricots and pecans; another time I added fresh cherries into a pancake mixture, and who can forget my very popular broccoli pancakes?

This time I decided to stick to two add-ins: peaches and mini chocolate chips. Stone fruit (peaches, nectarines, plums) is in season, so feel free to use any of the stone fruit or a combination of a few! And of course you can never go wrong with mini chocolate chips.

Pancakes with Peaches and Chocolate ChipsPancakes with Peaches and Chocolate Chips

Ingredients and Directions

I made 1/2 of the basic recipe on the box of a pancake mix and added 1 peach, which I cubed, and a few tablespoons (approximately) of mini chocolate chips. Keep in mind that when you add solid things to your pancake mix, you might have to add a bit more liquid.

Pancakes with Peaches and Chocolate Chips Cook your pancakes per usual and serve with a few peach slices on the side and a drizzle of syrup.

Aren't you ready to make these over the weekend?


Anonymous said...

We've just had our regular late June/july blueberry pancakes this morning but I now I am ready to try something new - I love the idea of pancakes with chocolate chips and peaches! Yum!

Shelby said...

Sounds delicious! Grumpy won't eat fruit in his pancakes but I love it that way! So, even though I probably will make pancakes this weekend (I do about every Sunday!) he won't let me put it in HIS. ;-)

♥peachkins♥ said...

I also used boxed pancakes.. Fruit in seasons are great.They are healthy and they add flavor to the pancakes.

You know, it may sound weird to you but we sometimes put butter,sugar and evaporated milk on top of our pancakes here..

Delicious Dishings said...

I usually get stuck in the bananas and chocolate chips rut when it comes to pancakes. I love the idea of using peaches. I wonder if cherries would be good too. These don't even look like they came from a box mix -- they're so fluffy! I end up with very flat pancakes if I use a mix.

Delicious Dishings said...

Just checked out your post on cherry pancakes. I guess those do work too! :o)

Anonymous said...

These look adorable and so delicious. I don't think there's any problem with using a box mix. Sometimes you just don't want to mess up the whole kitchen. Think of all the bowls and measuring cups you don't have to wash. Besides, if the mix is good, why should it be an issue?

Hillary said...

Love the idea of peaches in my pancakes - these look awesome! You should also try this pancake recipe when you get a chance! :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

I really love the addition of fruit to pancake batter. Your pancakes look delicious.

Justin said...

oh man, peaches and chocolate is a combo i would never have thought of

Juliana said...

Peach and chocolate chips in a pancake...sounds heaven :-) Just yummie! Great pictures.

Jennifer said...

I love just add water too! That way you aren't "out" of stuff if you want to make something in a pinch! How were the pancakes? They look great and sound intriguing!

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you on going half and half. I take already made things and add stuff all the time! :) Your pancakes look scrumptious and I will definitely be trying them out.

Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

Enjoy this sweetness in your weekend!!! Some leftovers for me… no problem!
These pancakes are must with several dollops of dulce de leche also :)

All the best,


Sara said...

Yum! Chocolate for breakfast sounds good to me :)

Anonymous said...

Those look so good. I'm going to try it with peaches and blueberries! Yum!
Thanks for the idea!

Simones Kitchen said...

They look amazing Olga! Almost a bit like our poffertjes although slightly bigger. Not sure if poffertjes are know in the rest of the world, but it's basically a mini pancake. I would say about the size of a 2 euro coin per piece and are traditionally served with butter and sugar. But these pancakes look gorgeous. Love the golden colour!

BlueToYou said...

haha peaches and chocolate chips? never would have thought of that combination but it works!

TonjaToi said...

Looks good. Never thought of peaches in pancakes before. Good idea. In another month I'll be desperate for ways to use up the peaches we pick. Thanks for the tip.
I make pancakes both ways but the box mix always come out more fluffy than by scratch. Lately I have been hooked on banana pancakes w/ nutella.

Peko Peko (KyotoFoodie) said...

Wow, pancakes with chocolate chips! Peaches definitely sound yummy.