
Announcements & Book Give Away

Hi, dear readers.

I wanted to inform you that I will be visiting my family in Seattle July 29 through August 7th. But don't frown, I will be posting five fabulous recipes from five fabulous bloggers during that time. And who knows? I might post a few things of my own!

In the meantime, I wanted to let you know about a book give away. A few weeks ago I received a copy of The Frugal Foodie Cookbook to review. I read the book and liked certain things and did not like other things.

For example, terms the author used such as veggie, sammi and foodie completely got on my nerves (bad). She did offer, however, many helpful hints and fun food quotations (good).

The recipes were easy to follow (good), but the steps weren't numbered and there were no pictures (bad).

Still, I think some of you (especially those who stay at home with kids) might find this book helpful. If you would like to enter for a chance to win a copy of the book, leave a comment with your most helpful frugal food tip in the comment area (sorry, only those who live in the US qualify).

After I get back from vacation, I will choose and announce the winner!

"talk to you all" soon! In the meantime, feel free to read my contributions to Robyn's blog and my DC Examiner articles.

And finally, for those of you who live in DC area, I will be displaying my photographs (and hopefully selling some of them) at Touchstone Gallery August 12-September 4th. Hope some of you would be able to come and see the show.


  1. AnonymousJuly 29, 2009

    Have a great vacation! Although I can't come to the opening reception, we will really try to stop by on one of the mornings if we can.

  2. How can you make a cookbook and not have photos in it?? That is just a sin in my eyes. I buy a cookbook based on the photos first and recipes second..:) No photos, no book!
    Have a fantastic holiday in Seattle and good luck with the exhibition... How exiting!

  3. Sharon WhislerJuly 29, 2009

    I collect cookbooks, and would love to add this to my collection. I do have a few without pictures, they are not my first choice when searching for a recipe though :(
    My frugal tip is: Plan your meals around what is in season, on sale, etc. then search your cookbooks or blogs (Mango & Tomato) for ideas on how to prepare your food for the week/month.

  4. AnonymousJuly 29, 2009

    Daaahling, u know I don't do frugal! Have a fantastic trip! Looking forward to your return :)
    Love, HH

  5. My frugal tip would be to not let things to go waste! I try to keep the cupboard stocked but the fridge as clean as possible. When it is crowded we inevitable miss something and it goes bad.

    Have fun!

  6. Awww. No pictures? Bummer!

    Still I do collect cookbooks, and this sounds like a good one nonetheless. Please count me in!

    As for my tip, I keep all of my veggie (oops! You hate that term, don't you!?) scraps in the freezer and use them to make stock. I put the ends that I cut off of onions and carrots and peppers, the ends I snap off of beans, herbs that are about to go bad, and anything else that I can think of. I store them in a ziploc bag and occasionally toss a bag full into some water with some more herbs and make a little soup stock.

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  7. Enjoy your holiday in Seattle!

    Have some fun!
    Angie's Recipes

  8. My tip? - FREEZE! I make twice as much of most meals and freeze left overs for later. Having a meal ready to go in the freezer leaves me less likely to stop out and grab a quick meal from fast-food or a restaurant!

  9. Looking forward to the posts in your absence.

  10. Have a wonderful time in Seattle :-)

  11. I think cookbooks should have pictures, too!

    My frugal tip: buy frozen veggies

  12. Go to pick-your-own-farms - they are usually cheaper and fresher than grocery stores!

    I'm going to try and make it to your photo exhibit!

  13. Have a great trip,Olga.Looking forward to all your photos from the trip.

  14. Have a wonderful visit Olga!

  15. Frugal tip? Cook beans in the crock pot - dry beans are dirt cheap, and then you can eat them for a week in all different ways.

    Would love to win the cookbook, and I love your blog!

    (Oh, and I'm a high school friend of your friend Paige!)

  16. AnonymousJuly 29, 2009

    I hope you have a super duper time! It seems like every blogger is out there on vacation!

  17. Two words... dumpster dive! We dive at the cans of our local gourmet grocer, and we get chesses, slightly brusied fruit, breads, stuff you would never dream, and we've made friend... dont knock it til ya try it. Stick to the high end places and have fun!

  18. The word sammie (used more than once in a non-ironic way) is definitely annoying!

    Hoping you have a great vacation (rest/recharge/relax)!

  19. Love your blog! Here is my frugal tip:

    Plan your menu for the week before you head out the the grocery store and create a plan so meals your food works together. For example you can pick up a few ears of corn for a bbq chicken meal and then put aside an ear or two to cut the corn into a mexican salad for the next day. Shoot even the left over chicken would be good in a salad like that! Yum!

  20. Here's a frugal tip my grandmother passed on to me (seriously!) -- "Boiled rice water makes an excellent starch for dainty collars, cuffs and baby dresses." I've never tried it of course. My husband refuses to let me try starching his cuffs and collars this way.

  21. tonjatoi@hotmail.comJuly 31, 2009

    my tip is an oldie but goodie (sorry if my use of ie at the end of those words gets on your nerves)

    If you have a small amount of wine left in the bottle (not that I ever would!) freeze it in ice cube trys, put them in a freezer bag and save for when you need a small amount of wine for cooking.

  22. My tip, which several others have mentioned, is to cook a lot at one time and freeze it for later. It's great when you're only cooking for two, and it's frugal with time, too!

    Thank you!

  23. My frugal tip is to buy extra when it is on sale and freeze. Along the same vein, cook ahead and freeze dinners. ruthjoec at aoldotcom

  24. I have lots of friends with lots of fruit trees. I take advantage in the fall and freeze fruit sliced up and also dehydrate for snacking year round. Thanks for the giveaway~

    s.mickelson at gmail dot com

  25. My frugal tip is planning! Plan ahead what your menu will be and also plan to use your seasonal ingredients in several ways, so you don't tire eating what's in season. :)

  26. Can I still throw my name in for this? I know I'm in Canada--but my family's not! If I win, I'll send it to them... My husband is always complaining that I throw away too much food. (Personally, I don't mind adding to my compost pile, but he seems to think more of it is usable.)


Thanks for stopping by Mango & Tomato. I love reading your comments and will try my best to respond to any specific questions you might have. Come back soon!