
Black Currant Jam in Five Minutes

Monday when I came to work, my co-worker Danielle, asked if I'd like to have a container of black currants from her aunt's farm, Dragonfly Farms Wine Vinegary & Flower Farm. Of course I said yes! I did not have any fruit for that day and was excited to snack on the berries.

Then I remembered that black currants are quite tart and decided that I should use them in cooking instead. I called my mom and asked for a quick jam recipe. My mom was more than happy to oblige. She actually used to have a few bushes of red and black currants and used to make jams from them (as well as many other fruits and berries a lot...in fact, years and years ago when we lived in Russia, we had a huge pantry filled with canned fruit and marinated vegetables).

black currantsblack currants

Five minute Black Currant Jam


1/2 cup sugar

2 teaspoons water

1 cup black currants, stems removed, washed well

Black Currant Jam in Five MinutesBlack Currant Jam in Five Minutes

1. In a small saucepan combine sugar and water over medium heat.
2. Once the sugar "melts," add black currants, bring the mixture to a boil and boil for five minutes (thus the name of the jam!).
3. Let the jam cool completely, transfer it to a glass jar and store in the refrigerator.

Black Currant Jam in Five Minutes Of course you can make this jam with any other fruit or berries. Once I made this jam, I decided I had to make scones too! I will post those later this week, but if you cannot wait, here's another scone recipe I made a while ago.

Another great idea for this jam is to mix it with some sparkling water, champagne, or add it to your hot teas!


  1. wow! always impressed with how you figure out things that seem so complicated and make them look so easy. and the presentation, way delicious looking!

  2. How quick and easy! Thanks for sharing!

  3. AnonymousJuly 22, 2009

    Beautiful job! Can u believe i never even tasted a black currant though?

  4. I can do 5 minutes. Always like quick and easy recipe!

  5. This is so easy! Does this recipe work with other berries too? Beautiful photo's.

  6. Jam is so easy I am surprised more people don't do it. The stuff you get in the supermarkets doesn't even come close.

  7. Ooooo, you're doing this on purpose right? Those berries and then she starts talking about scones... I am literally salivating as we speak... :)

  8. Wonderful pics and an easy & awfully jam-pleasure in 5 mins, well done :)

  9. Well, you have finally convinced me to start making jam! I always put it off thinking that it would be too time consuming, but with this recipe I really have no excuse. Thanks!
    -Lizzie @ Every Last Cookie

  10. That jam jar is adorable! I've never made my own jam. Well, actually, when we were little, my brother and I would collect raspberries from the lot next door to our house and smush them in a pan with sugar on the stove... does that count? Ha ha. I might have to try your method instead!

  11. I love your pics!

    Actually, I prepared a batter this morning to bake blackcurrants scones tonight. I am wondering how they will turn out, it is the first time I'm making some.

  12. I have never made jam..I think its time!!Thanks Figtreeapps

  13. Love how easy this jam is to make. It looks delicious. Can't wait to try it. Thanks!

  14. Your photos are spectacular and the jam is making my mouth water.

  15. AnonymousJuly 22, 2009

    Splendid, thanks for sharing, and really wonderful pictures, nice job! ~boyinthesouth

  16. Love currants, especially currant flavored candy. Wish I could find some fresh ones around here!

  17. Love the simplicity of the recipe...unfortunately I cannot find black currant in local stores :-(
    Great pictures, they look so yummie!

  18. It looks easy and yummy! However since I'm gonna be able to find currants here I'll be substituting other fruits!

  19. This is probably one of my favorite collection of photographs :) Looks delicious! And would be so great on a simple toast.

  20. i think you should strain it and mix with prosecco or champagne! salute!

  21. Wow this is such an easy jam, I couldn't imagine.

  22. I have been doing preserves for next winter very recently; cherry, strawberry, apricot, melon ... too bad I have not seen black currents at my market, I love this preserve.

  23. This would go perfectly with my Matzah Brie!

  24. I bet this was amazing with the scones! How long will the jam keep?

  25. I often follow a similar recipe with strawberries! The black currant jam looks really good. I can't say that I have seen a currant. Do black currants have a slightly thick skin like blueberries?

  26. That's a cute container and a great recipe! Gona make some jam real soon!

  27. Great recipe. Very easy. Greatings from Czech Republic

  28. couscousmarocainJune 05, 2014

    It gave me great quinces, and the recipe that I am not happy, I am very grabs! thank you in advance
    I board a good recipe already dealt a site like this


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