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Grilled Cheese, Black Ham & Tomato Sandwich

Friday I needed something quick and easy for lunch. Since I was home, I decided to do something a bit more special than a simple sandwich. Grilled cheese is good, but grilled cheese with Black ham and a few slices of tomatoes is even better!

Grilled Cheese, Black Ham & Tomato SandwichIngredients
2 slices wholegrain bread
2 slices Swiss cheese
2 slices Black Ham
4 thin slices of tomatoes
sunflower oil
Grilled Cheese, Black Ham & Tomato Sandwich
1. Heat a bit of sunflower oil in a non-stick pan.
2. Assemble your sandwich: bread/cheese/tomatoes/ham/cheese/bread.
3. Cook on each side for about 2-3 minutes. Make sure to add a bit more oil to the pan right before flipping the sandwich.
4. Serve immediately with spinach/olive oil/sherry vinegar/red pepper flakes salad.

What's your favorite grilled cheese sandwich?

PS. I am feeling better and am back at work today (Monday). Thank you so much everyone for asking!!!!


Dewi said...

Simply delicious!

Anonymous said...

Ah I could so go for a grilled cheese. Its such comfort food for me, reminds me of my childhood :D. I tend to make mine with really thin slices of tomato and basil, the basil makes all the difference.

Mary Bergfeld said...

If it was as tasty as it is comely, this was a real treat indeed.

chow and chatter said...

looks good I had my ham and cheese in a crepe today lol rebecca

Leslie said...

Yep this is my favorite way to make a grilled cheese!YUM

Sara said...

Looks delicious - I love to put avocado in mine. Hope you're feeling better!

Delicious Dishings said...

My favorite is actually plain old white bread and American cheese with lots of butter. Sometimes I also like rye bread.

If I'm going for fancy, I'll do gruyere and slices of pear!

I've also done ham and tomato and love it! Great pictures!

Vera said...

I never can say "no" to a grilled sandwich! Olga, yours look truly amazing!

I didn't know you are Russian :) Such a pleasant surprise. My very best friend's name is Olya, too.

♥peachkins♥ said...

My kind of lunch!! Yumyum!! Extra Yummy grilled cheese sandwich!

Anonymous said...

oh, I LOVE grilled cheese! It's such a common comfort food, but you made it look quite artistic, and now I really crave one!
I love one with dried figs, goat cheese, prosciutto, and tomato, pressed in a ciabatta!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

This is actually a very popular sandwich in Brazil. we call it Misto Quente. Maybe you're a Brazilian at heart :)

Simones Kitchen said...

That looks delicious Olga. Feeling better or still a bit sick? I wanted to try some grilled panini but my stomach is a little upset this morning (possibly from overdosing on red wine last night..:)) so maybe tomorrow... This does look really good and easy though!

Jackie at said...

Agreed! I love grill my sandwiches. It's so much tastier when it's grilled. And most important, it's not soggy.

BlueToYou said...

mmm that looks good. don't forget to add hot sauce! yum!

pigpigscorner said...

So simple yet so delicious...the bread looks really godo!

Grilled Cheese Sandwich said...

Man, that picture and recipe made me hungry... looks DELICIOUS!

Anonymous said...

i hate tomato but i love tomato ketchup

Amanda said...

Yum! Have you submitted this to the Grilled Cheese Academy yet?