
My Day Just Got Better!

This day did not start on a good foot. I feel like I have a cold (in the middle of summer??) or maybe it's allergies acting up again?

Then, the Metro was a horrid mess again. Then, I forgot my work ID at home. And I'm at work instead of at home in bed. Right.

And then my day got better: Serious Eats chose my beet salad as one of their two favorite photographs of the day! YEAI!


  1. I hope it will keep getting better. Summer is my worst for allergy.
    Your beet salad deserve to be one of the fave photo. It's beautiful!

  2. Congratulations! Sorry your not feeling well. Tomorrow will be a better day :-).

  3. Yay! :) I hope you get over your cold/allergies fast. Get some chicken noodle soup and add some lemon. Lemon is supposed to help you get over stuff like that quicker, it's all the antioxidants. :)

  4. congratulations! Im sorry about your cold, feel better!

  5. AnonymousJuly 06, 2009

    It's probably allergies - we are all having them here, my daughter starts having her asthma cough as soon as she steps outside. Hope you'll be feeling better and congrats on your picture being featured!

  6. See... there is always something to make you feel better... Hope your cold and/or allergy gets better soon too!!

  7. Hi Olga,
    I've been there 3 times and planning to go back in September. My husband has tons of family live in Jerusalem, Ra'anana, and Tel Aviv. His mother and his sister are living in Jerusalam, while his father's family most live in Mea Sharem. My husband used to live in Jerusalem with his mum, there he came to the U.S (LA) and lived with his Father. Of course now, we live in the SF Bay Area with our 19th yrs old son.
    Now you know!!!!!

  8. That's awesome, congrats! Hope your day tomorrow is better :)

  9. Congratulations! It is very elegant!


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