
A few random things

I don't have a recipe for you today, just a few photos of things that have made me happy.

Last week I received a package in the mail with 3 different flavors of gourmet marshmallows from Plus Puffs Gourmet Marshmallows. Did you know that August 10th was National S'mores day? If you missed it, don't despair: turns out, August 30th is the Toasted Marshmallow Day! The three flavors I received are chocolate, caramel and lemon (pictured below). I had the best intentions of cooking with these marshmallows, but in the end just ate them as is and added a few to my morning coffee.

Over the weekend Jenn and I went to Macy's where I randomly bought these 4 plates: LOVE them! They are perfect for taking pictures because they are not too small or too large :) Aren't the colors great? And they match my red and yellow soup bowls! You'll definitely be seeing these in the future posts.

I also finally went to see Julie & Julia. I liked it despite that it was rather a long movie (plus, I kept on freaking out that I'll be late for salsa dancing...but I was just fine). A lot of things in the movie resonated with me: the joy of receiving comments on your blog, the relaxation that comes from cooking and sharing that food with others (I guess I don't do the sharing part often enough)...who knows, maybe one day there will be a cartoon called Mango & Tomato? :)

Stay tuned for Tomato/Olive/Basil salad and Daring Bakers!


  1. aww! I was hoping to see a recipe with the fun marshmellows. can you review them? which flavor was best? also...LOVE the plates!

  2. I really wanted to see Julie and Julia. I'm not even sure if its going to be coming out here in England.

  3. Those plates are great. I loved the movie too, it was a bit long though.

  4. I love your plates. The color is more saturated than Fiesta ware and I like clear, unmuddied colors. While I enjoyed the movie, especially the first third, I thought its construction was sloppy and it was 30 minutes too long. Meryl Streep was definitely channeling Julia. Boy, she's an actress if ever there was one.

  5. Those marshmallows sound really good! Happy to hear there are so many marshmallow related holidays during the summer! LOL!

  6. Beautiful and colorful plates. Very summery and cheerful!

  7. Those photos are definitely happy ones : )

    I've heard Julie and Julia was long from others too, but glad it's still enjoyable.


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