
Guest Blogger Elra: Tomates à la PROVENÇALE

While away in Seattle, I asked a few of my favorite bloggers to be my guests and post recipes that include either tomatoes or mangoes or both. This recipe comes from Elra. Elra is 43 years old, originally from Bali, Indonesia. She now resides in beautiful Silicon Valley with her South African Jewish husband, one wonderful, affectionate, energetic and absolutely hilarious son and 2 demanding, but adorable Golden Retrievers. Elra's recipes and food photographs are mouth-watering! Check out Elra's Cooking for more from Elra.

Tomates à la PROVENÇALE from Elra

This is a very simple, yet satisfying recipe. Good for summer, as tomatoes are at best flavor. I used the best tomatoes available from a farm only a block away from my house. Serve these tomatoes with any of your grilled dishes. It is Superb!

5 ripe, but not soft tomatoes, cut in half crosswise
2 handful flat leaf parsley
5 cloves or more garlic
salt and pepper, to taste
olive oil
¾ cup breadcrumbs, optional (I didn't use any)

1. Preheat the oven to 400F. Arrange the tomatoes on a gratin dish, set aside.
2. Finely chop together the parsley and the garlic with mezzaluna (if you have one, otherwise use your regular knife).

3. Transfer to a bowl, mix with breadcrumbs if using. Spoon this mixture evenly on top of tomatoes, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then drizzle with enough olive oil.

3. Bake for 35 to 45 minutes. Serve at once.


  1. This would make a wonderful side dish, thanks for sharing it :D

  2. Mmm, this sounds so tasty!! Thanks : )

  3. These look amazing! What a pretty and tasty side dish! Thanks for sharing another great recipe!

  4. Aww Olga, I am actually just turn 44 now (forgot to up date that in my blog). Anyway, thanks for asking me to be one of your guest. It was an honored! Thank you dear.

  5. With all of that parsley, it's guaranteed to be a bright side dish!

  6. These tomatoes sound incredibly delicious, a wonderful preparation!

  7. yum love the food of provence

  8. Striking!

  9. Wow! these are really pretty with the green and red, I bet they are delish!

  10. I love baked tomatoes. They just have this very wonderful flavor..

  11. this is the kind of thing where i wish i had the foresight to plan, because these look like such a good rainy day meal.


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