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Lentil Salad

I finally cooked! Yesterday was a super lazy day of just sitting at home, napping and watching a few episodes of Mad Men. I'm mad about Mad Men and have quite a bit of catching up to do (I just started with season 1).

Back to the food: I did not feel like going grocery shopping in the 90+ degree heat, and so had to use what I already had on hand.

I decided to make a lentil salad and add a few random vegetables that were still alive in my refrigerator.

This is such a versatile and easy salad to put together. You can have it pretty much any time of the year and serve it either warm, at room temperature or cold.

Special thanks to my co-worker Bill for wonderful home-grown tomatoes. They were amazing!

1/3 cup lentils
2/3 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
1 celery stalk, peeled, diced
1 tablespoon finely diced onion
1-2 tomatoes, diced
5 basil leaves, chopped

lentil salad Directions

1) In a pot, bring lentils, salt and water to a boil. Lower the heat, cover the pot and cook for 20 minutes.

2) Immediately dress the cooked lentils with olive oil, lemon juice and vinegar. That way, the lentils will soak up all the flavors!

3) Add the chopped vegetables and basil. Adjust the seasonings and you are ready all set. Alternatively, you can let the salad cool completely before serving.

lentil saladWhat's your favorite dish to make with lentils?


Shelby said...

Looks great! I am bookmarking :-)

gail said...

Yum! So fresh, but filling I'll bet too!

Anonymous said...

I'm Mad Men mad too. Have the newest one recorded. Cant wait to sit down and watch it.
Beautiful looking salad. I have never cooked with them, but my favorite lentil dish is an Indian vegetarian dish called masoor dahl. Its very comforting.

Dewi said...

Simply delicious lentil salad Olga!

Zoe said...

I love lentils, especially in soup. Great easy salad!

Anonymous said...

You have to share your secret about finding season 1 of Mad Men. We also want to watch the show now so we have to catch up and tried all the video stores close to us but season 1 dvds are all out, bummer! Lentils salad looks delightful!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy that you peel your celery :) And I must be the only person who doesn't watch Mad Men

Simones Kitchen said...

I've never heard of mad men... Hmm, is it good? Should I watch it? Or at least try to find it? We love watching good tv shows on dvd as a lot doesn't air here so we just buy the series and watch it in our own time, which works better anyway.
Love the lentil salad! I still haven't done any cooking... :(

Sara said...

This looks lovely.

I love Mad Men. Have fun catching up on the episodes.

Mary Bergfeld said...

If this tastes half as good as it looks you have a winner here.

Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

A simply, nutritious and delicious salad :)



Juliana said...

Nice salad...sounds and looks so hearty, a full meal by itself. Great pictures as well.

♥peachkins♥ said...

Sometimes its nice to lie around all day and be lazy.

Your lentil salad looks yummy!

Leslie said...

What a fresh and yummy little snack!

Chef Fresco said...

Nice healthy creation - i like your combo of ingredients!

Unknown said...

Hi Olga, I love this combo of flavours. I usually make this dish in summer, and also use chickpeas instead of lentils.

Claire Mercado-Obias said...

Thanks for the inspiration -- I have all the ingredients in my pantry!

Chef Fresco said...

Yep, you're right - harris teeter. I think they do regional specials, perhaps? Maybe your HT will get with the program soon :)

avesta said...

I love lentils! This salad looks so good and fav is lentil mom makes many versions and I love them all!

Anonymous said...

i love trader joes pre-cooked puy lentils for lentil salad! received the book, thanks again!

Zoey (Vegedible) said...

Ooh it looks lovely, I'm on a bit of a lentil kick right now so I just might have to try this out. One of my favourite lentil dishes is lentil nachos...surprisingly tasty and makes it easy to leave off bunches of cheese, recipe is on my blog if you have any interest!