
Lunch with my Bro

I feel like I haven't really done much cooking since I got back from Seattle. I just can't come up with anything I want to cook, and so I end up eating out...I know...super healthy.

I'll try to make a few things over the weekend just for all of you to have something to read :)

And so, I'm really happy I took a few pictures when I took my brother, Misha, to lunch in Seattle. Driving from visiting one set of grandparents to visiting our other grandma, Misha noticed Snappy Dragon restaurant and said he's been wanting to try it for a while. I never have to be asked twice to have Chinese, and so I agreed.

They had quite a few lunch specials, friendly service and a very low key atmosphere. And it was good to spend some time with my brother, since most of the time in Seattle I spent with my parents and Anna.

I had hot & sour soup, brown rice (Anna, are you proud of me?) with beef and vegetables and a Spring roll. There was SO much food! We took at least half of it home. The soup was thicker than I am used to and not as spicy, but still good. I had no patience to wait for the Spring roll to cool down a bit, so I probably did not experience its true flavor...it was just too (temperature) hot. I absolutely loved all the vegetables in the beef dish!

My fortune: You will receive a pleasant surprise in the mail. And you know what? The fortune came true. I received a sample of flavored gourmet marshmallows: I will write about them later.


  1. Lovely photos. Glad you enjoyed your lunch.

  2. Super HEALTHY and EASY!
    Have some more soup! Brown rice do you good.

    Angie's Recipes

  3. Mm that soup looks so good!

  4. Hot n Sour soup is one of my favs! Looking forward to your upcoming recipes especially if you use those gourmet marshmallows.

  5. Eating out can be just as good as preparing at home...At least for food blogging :-) Good, that you spent time with your brother and enjoyed some good food.

    Just coming back from vacation too, I find it can take a bit of time to shake the vacation out of the brain,

  6. ah... good looking brother.. :) lol... Sorry, couldn't help myself..
    Looks like you had a great lunch! I keep meaning to do some proper cooking too but it's too warm here right now plus we're getting ready for our vacation so not really in the mood for trying out stuff! although I do want to finish the Daring Bakers before I go...

  7. The Snappy Dragon...I like that name. =)We've been so busy latley that I haven't made anything, not even a tuna fish sandwich. I think I need to make something soon so I can put a post up too. Chinese food is probably my favorite type of food to get when we go out to eat. This place looks like it has some pretty yummy stuff!

  8. Yes, I think you need to cook more! None of my Italian recipes have inspired you? Awwww...

  9. Yeah, I don't like mussels or any other shellfish or crustaceans...

    Julie & Julia was not that good. It was too long. Meryl Streep did a great job but Amy Adams's character was corny. I would've liked to see more about Julia Child but it was really a movie about a Queens woman who blogged about Julia Child's book.

    = )

  10. this totally makes me want chinese food for dinner.


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