
TRGWT 18: Plum Pizza with Gorgonzola and Pine Nuts

For those of you who have been with me from the very beginning, this pizza recipe is a repeat. However, I've been asked to submit this recipe to TGRWT 18 (they go together really well contest) and am happy to do so :)

This is really a great and easy recipe, and with plums widely available right now, I hope you give it a try.

1 teaspoon olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
1 red onion, thinly sliced
1 T balsamic vinegar
pizza crust
a handfull of pine nuts, toasted
2 plums, cut in half and thinly sliced
1/2 cup Gorgonzola

1) Preheat the oven to 450.
2) Heat olive oil and butter in a pan, add onions and cook for about 10 minutes, adding balsamic vinegar in the last two minutes.
3) Meantime, bake your pizza crust according to directions (or use store-bought prepared crust).
4) Remove the pizza from the oven and brush it with additional olive oil and top with onions, plums, Gorgonzola and pine nuts. Put pizza back into the oven and bake for about 7 minutes until the cheese has melted and the pine nuts are golden brown.
5) Let the pizza stand for a few minutes before cutting into it.

P.S. It was interesting to look back and see how I used to write recipes versus how I do it now. Now all my ingredients are in the order they are used instead of just being written haphazardly. I definitely see improvement, even if I say so myself :)


  1. I bet the plums and Gorgonzola really go well together. Gorgonzola is one of my favorite cheeses!

  2. what an oldie but goodie!!!!

  3. This looks delicious! I love Gorgonzola especially with fruit.

  4. We love the combo of pear & Gorgonzola on a pizza, now will have to try it with plums, sounds excellent!

  5. What an unusual (in a good way ;)) pizza. Looks fab!

  6. This look really delicious Olga. I love gorgonzola.

  7. Oh yum! Looks and sounds delicious!

  8. Has a great color, and it must've smelled really good!

  9. What a unique pizza! I love it! You should submit this recipe to Recipe4Living.com!

  10. This looks great and full of flavors!

  11. Oh I they would go together really really well! Yum!! I am still pretty haphazard and write my ingredients as I think of them. I need to get a bit more organized myself.

  12. We love the pear and Gorgonzola combo in other applications, but I've never tried it on a pizza. You've got me thinking.

  13. Olga, you've outdone yourself.
    : )

  14. That sure looks like a hell of a great pizza! Wow, love those flavours!

  15. I love to eat everything on this pizza alone. The combination is amazing!! Yumm!


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