
Double-Baked Sweet Potatoes with Sausage

A few months ago I had dinner at a restaurant in Adams Morgan neighborhood. It was a perfect night, fun company, and great food. I had a dish of sweet plantains mixed with cheese and beef. That mixture was then stuffed back into the plantain "shell" and baked again.

Last week I decided to recreate that dish using sweet potatoes, sausage, mozzarella cheese and some garbanzo beans for added protein.


4 sweet potatoes
1 pound sausage [I used a bratwurst sausage with cheese]
1 can garbanzo beans, drained
1 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 tablespoon minced parsley


1. Bake sweet potatoes (without puncturing the skin) at 475 for about 30-40 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, remove the sausage from the casing and brown in a pan. Add garbanzo beans. Depending on the flavor of the sausage, you might need to add extra spices. Mine was flavorful enough on its own.
3. Once the potatoes are baked, let them cool a bit. Make a slit in the middle of the potatoes (lengthwise) and carefully remove the flesh of the potatoes. Add that flesh to the sausage/garbanzo bean mixture and slightly mash together.
4. Incorporate 1 cup of cheese into the sausage/garbanzo beans/potato mixture.
5. Evenly split the mixture into 4 potato skins and top with the remaining 1/4 cup of cheese.
6. Bake for 5 minutes to let the cheese melt.
7. Sprinkle with parsley and enjoy.

This is the first time I've made a double-baked potato of any kind. This dish is incredibly versatile: you can use chicken instead of sausage, regular potatoes instead of sweet potatoes, and red peppers instead of garbanzo beans. Let your imagination go wild!

In other news, check out my food styling photo in Robyn Webb's latest post :)


  1. Ya know, I've done this double-baked white potatoes a zillion times, but it's never occurred to me to do the same with sweet potatoes. Thanks for the inspiration! These look just delicious!


  2. Whoaaa, this look so scrumptious!!!!!!!

  3. oh I love this what a fab idea, sausage and beans great combo thanks for sharing

  4. What an interesting combo! Looks fantastic.

  5. Well of course we know sausage goes well, but it's a surprise to see garbanzos and mozzarella. Good to know as we are big sweet tater fans.

  6. What a nice combination and great new idea for sweet potatoes. This looks really delicious.

  7. This is excellent! I love the idea of combining the sausage, mozzarella & garbanzo beans inside the sweet potato - sounds like a must try!

  8. This is a rockin twice baked potato

  9. I have yet tried to bake sweet potatoes with cheese. And they look so good. Must give it a try.

    Angie's Recipes

  10. There isn’t necessity to get fly the imagination with sausage, garbanzos and mozzarella...absolutely fascinating :)



  11. What kind of sausage did you use....it makes a big difference!

  12. I love trying to re-create dishes. Looks really yummy!!

  13. What a fabulous recreation!! I love sweet potatoes! I cant wait to try this myself. thanks!

  14. My aunt sent me this link. I'm excited to try the recipe this week!

  15. This is wonderful! Love everything about it. Definitely making this soon!

  16. First off, I love Sweet Plantains, and one of my fav dishes uses them is called Pinon, which is a plantain, BEEF picadillo thick, cke like omelette. I'll have to blog about it soon! However, I must try your sweet potato sausage take on that sweet and savory combo. It looks amazing! Your photos always make my mouth water!

    Finally, I have a litttle something for you at my blog. You can grab it here..


  17. Omg! Yum.

    And I like that plate too; very pretty color : ]

  18. I really like the sound of a baked sweet potato!

  19. This looks incredible! I love all of the ingredients that you decided to use.

  20. One of my fav restaurants has a butternut squash & sausage dish that is a bit similar to this...so I KNOW I'll be falling in love with your recipe as soon as I make it. Looks excellent! Yum.

  21. Ohmygoodness, this looks absolutely amazing!! Love your recipe.

  22. you've definitely outdone yourself with this one. fantastic!

  23. Holy cow! That looks fantastic!


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