
Melon & Mango Popsicles

You know how I made a Summer Melon and Mango soup? Well, I ate one bowl of it and decided to make mini Popsicle from the rest of the soup! All you have to do is

1) Puree together 1/2 melon and 1 mango (obviously both have to be peeled, seeds removed, cubed)
2) Pour the mixture into ice trays
3) Insert toothpicks or Popsicle sticks
4) Keep in the freezer
5) Enjoy

melon and mango Popsiclesmelon and mango Popsicles

I got this idea from my friend Cindy who made watermelon Popsicles for her kids from a watermelon that was slightly pass its ripeness. Her little son is in love with watermelon! Obviously you can make these Popsicles using any combination of fruit and berries.

I think it would be fun to do multi-colored ones by making mango puree, strawberry puree and kiwi puree and then layering those flavors on top of one another (but allowing each layer to freeze before adding the next one).

melon and mango Popsiclesmelon and mango Popsicles


  1. You can cover the tray with plastic wrap before inserting toothpicks to make them stand up well too!

  2. Nice! I know my kids would love those... and I'll bet they would be great in a drink as ice cubes! Delicious Olga *hug*

  3. What a nice way to add more fruit to your diet!

  4. My first thought was or... ooh... maybe you could mix a little of the strawberry puree with vanilla ice cream and somehow have that be in the middle of the mango! Mango-covered strawberry creamsicle? :) At any rate, these look incredibly refreshing!

  5. Excellent way to eat ice pops plenty of natural vitamins :)



  6. Very cute idea, and it doesn't ruin your diet either :)

  7. i love simple great ideas like this. Perfect!

  8. Great idea! I wish Summer will stay longer.

  9. Those look great! My attempt at soup ended in bit of a disaster, not my fault really, the mango was going bad but at the same time it wasn't quite ripe :( Will try it again next time and will definitely make these popsicles too!

  10. These are so cute! Multi color ones would be pretty too.

  11. Oh that look very cute. Love yellow ...

  12. this is a great idea. have you seen how you can freeze flavored yoghurts too. i totally want to try that.


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