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Please vote for me!!!

Hi, dear readers.

Mind helping a girl out? :)

I've entered a recipe contest on and would love your votes. The more people vote, the better chances of me winning (I need at least 100 votes I think!).

Here is the recipe and the link. Just click on it, and if you like the recipe, give it a thumbs up.
Unfortunately, you will have to register, but that should not be too much of a big deal, right? Their website is really great and will never send you SPAM.

I would really appreciate your help!

You can vote for the next 48 hours; the final results will be announced in October.


Unknown said...

I will vote for you, Olga! :)

Dewi said...

Will be happy to do that Olga!

Dewi said...

Olga, apparently I have to register tobe able to vote. So I'll comeback to read more about this site later okay.

Delicious Dishings said...

I almost submitted an orzo recipe! But then I got too lazy. Am trying to register so I can vote for you though!

Simones Kitchen said...

Ofcourse I will vote for you! Gonna do that right now!

Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

Sure already voted for you! Good luck!



Anonymous said...

I put in my vote daaaahling. I dont know i u know this but my votes count as double *wink*

Anonymous said...
