
Daring Bakers: Macaroons

The 2009 October Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to us by Ami S. She chose macaroons from Claudia Fleming’s The Last Course: The Desserts of Gramercy Tavern as the challenge recipe.

Let me start from the beginning...3 or so years ago Anna, my twin, decided to go to Paris for a long weekend because of great sales on airfare. Of course she invited me to go with her, but I thought it was ridiculous to go to the City of Love and Romance with my twin sister. I said "no." Then, of course, I changed my mind and bought the tickets. Yes, I change my mind often. Anna, her friend Jen, and I had an incredible time in Paris, despite the cold February weather.

Throughout the trip, Anna kept on mentioning that we simply must go to Laduree: on, and on she went. It was getting slightly ridiculous. And then, we got to Laduree: and OMG! It was so worth it: it was there that I had my firsts taste of macaroons (French, not American). And I was in love! Below are a few photos from that trip:

Then, 2 years ago, I was on a solo trip in San Francisco, and discovered great macaroons in the Ferry Terminal Building from Miette Patisserie--photo below.

For the last few years I have been contemplating making macaroons, but was too afraid. Imagine my excitement and trepidation when this month's challenge turned out to be macaroons!

I'm not posting the recipe here (it's a bit long), but if you want it, let me know and I'll email it to you.

I made my own almond flour, but used store-bought chocolate spread.

Taste-wise, the challenge was a success; look-wise, not so much.

As you can see, I did not get "feet" on my macaroons--they rather spread out.

They also totally stuck to the silicon mat.

Still, in their own imperfect way, I think they look rather pretty.

I think I shall summon up a bit more bravery and try to make macaroons again at some point ;)


  1. I think they look yummy :) And I applaud you for trying them... the idea of baking macaroons scares me! *hugs* do try them again... bet they get feet next time!

  2. Yum, they do look tasty!! I had more success with Tartelette's recipe -- I think that'll be my go-to recipe from here on out! This challenge was quite the struggle!

  3. congrats! they are beautiful to me!

  4. oh they are pretty and I think they taste delicious.

  5. At least you were able to complete the challenge. I've read that many had serious problems with it.

  6. I must commend you for trying this month's challenge even though it scared you. Macarons are a bit tricky and it sometimes takes a while before you get it right.

  7. They look pretty! I also had a little problem with some of them sticking but when I let them cool just a little more I had no problems getting them off the parchment paper :)

  8. mine stuck too, but I followed a tip, I think from Syrup & Tang, and stuck the parchment paper + macs in the freezer for about 10 minutes, and they came off pretty well.

    Mine turned out surprisingly well for my first piping, first meringue (by hand, ugh) and first ganache. I'm excited to try again. Happy to hear that your were delicious!

  9. Good work. I think they look delicious! My egg whites fell so my cookies were flat, but the flavor was still good. I enjoyed this challenge but will try it differently next time.

  10. I had a very similar experience- no feet and lots of stickiness; still, I enjoyed them very much. I think yours do look great in their own special way!

  11. Olga,
    I think that you did a fabulous job. They don't look bad at all. I know that presentation is 50% and everything - but if you said that these tasted great then I'd say it was a 100% success! Kudos to you!

  12. We had a lot of the same problems & it seems from reading other posts the recipe might be partly to blame

  13. Great job! Mine stuck as well :P No matter how long I baked them, it seemed like they never really hardened. :/

  14. Mine reduced me to tears when I first tried Olga...didn't get anywhere close to yours. It took me 6 tries one single morning to figure out what worked for me...and I know you'll get there faster! Love the 'oozing' chcolate pictures! Truly yum!

  15. Olga for me are perfect for tea time, no doubt that you need to try them again and to send to friends the leftovers hehe :)



  16. Olga, macarons do try one's patience, don't they; I'm sure you'll find your "feet" I love your pictures :-)

  17. Oh, that was definitely a fun trip. So happy I dragged you along with me to Paris and to la duree! Sounds like you need to try a different recipe for sure. Also, wonder if you overmixed them? *that's usually indicated by spreading of the cookie*

  18. I think they look lovely =D. Its like they are all feet, instead of just feet poking out (which makes them even more awesome!).

  19. They still look pretty and I bet they were delicious too!

  20. Well they tasted great and I'm sure that the looks will come. Great effort on this challenge. Cheers from Audax in Australia.

  21. Pretty successful first try! Next time use Tartelette's recipe. There are really excellent tips for fail proof macarons. (and yes, so excited to hit up Miette!!)

  22. Great job with the challenge. I still haven't attempted them. Some day!

  23. I feel soooooooooo much better knowing someone else didn't perfect the macaron on the first try!!

  24. They still tasted like macaron, right? that is all it counts.

  25. I have that same issue with them sticking to the paper. I am going to try it again very soon. Good job on your first try, i dont know how some people just get them so perfect, for me it gets better each time i attempt them, but no cigar yet.

  26. Good attempt. I do not dare to try. Not a very good baker ;)

  27. Pity that your macarons didn't work out. However, the photos of what you did end up with look superb!

    Nice work :)

  28. They still look yummy. Try with a different recipe next time, it's pretty obvious when it's going to work as you're making them :)

  29. I love the pictures from your trips--*sigh* I need to get to Paris someday. :) I had the same thing happen to my first batch with the recipe--not the best one. But they look delicious!

  30. You are right...they do look pretty....and pretty delicious too:)

  31. O.... haha... I love how they look Olga! Really not so bad for a first attempt I would say! Mine were completely crumpled the first time if I recall correctly! I've been to Paris with my sister too a couple of times.. :) Not so romantic but great fun nontheless but I only visited Laduree with Tom years later... That was my first taste of macaron-heaven.. Now if only I would manage to succeed in making them myself!

  32. Oh! The macarons look yummie, lovely filing...and to me they look perfect :-)

  33. great job!


  34. Feet or no feet, they still love lovely and I et they taste good too!

  35. Olga..they look delicious, and that's all that matters. Who cares about feet? It's not like they're going to walk away..wait..I just saw one scooot by..lol

    All in all, kudos to your efforts, and no doubt, with your mad skills, you'll master these in no time. It took me quite a while to get to 'mediocre'! lol

  36. Hmmm....I didn't get feet either! :P And I don't think I grind my nutty flour fine enough. Might have to try it again some other time. Yours still looks yummy though. :D

  37. Definitely applaud you for trying... macarons are so hard to make!


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