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Mushroom Soup

This is the last recipe featuring mushrooms I received from Marx Foods. In fact, I was planning to try my hand at marinating the mushrooms, but chickened out at the very last moment.

This is a very simple pureed mushroom soup. I'll be the first one to admit that it doesn't look very appetizing, but it has a very rich and earthy flavor from the mushrooms and a creamy texture thanks to milk and a bit of cream.


1 tablespoon olive oil
5 cups chopped mushrooms
1 onion, diced
2 cups milk
1/4 cup cream
salt & pepper
fresh mint


1. Heat oil in a soup pot. Add mushrooms and onions and cook for about 30 minutes, till tender.
2. Season mushrooms/onions with salt and pepper and let cool slightly.
3. Puree the vegetable mixture in a blender with milk and cream. Depending on your desired soup texture, you might want to add more liquid.
4. Gently reheat the soup in a soup pot and serve garnished with mint.

Quick note: the spoon you see in this photo is from Moscow! This spoon is probably older than I am: scary :) I took it with me when I moved from Seattle to DC area after college. It has served me well.

Important: if you have enjoyed my mushroom recipes, please vote for me here (just choose Mango & Tomato). Thank you!


Judith Klinger said...

Ciao! That's my basic mushroom soup recipe, although I confess to all cream, no milk. I've never thought of mint...what a great idea.
If you have some truffles around, or even truffle oil, try that in the soup. Tastes like autumn in a bowl!
Lovely blog by the way!

Anonymous said...

This looks very creamy and delish. I'm going to go and vote for you now :D

Angie's Recipes said...

A very rich and creamy mushroom soup.
Angie's Recipes

The Purple Carrot said...

That sounds heavenly to someone like me who loves mushrooms : )

♥peachkins♥ said...

love this. Voted for you, Olga!

Veggie Belly said...

i love a good creamy mushroom soup! voted!

Simones Kitchen said...

I love mushroom soup! It does look a little bit like peanutsoup in texture though... lol... But I am sure it was delicious!
I love your spoon! I collect old cutlery or maybe collect isn't the right word as I only use it for taking photos but I love the old worn out pieces!

Simones Kitchen said...

O and just voted ofcourse too!

Cindy said...

Mmm, yummy! One of my favorite uses for mushrooms.

Anonymous said...

The cream of mushroom soup sounds just perfect for today! I will vote for you for sure!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I love mushroom soup, but have never been able to get a decent picture of it. I'm envious. Yours looks so good.

Good Pediatrician in Chennai said...

I love mushroom soup! It is seriously one of my favorites. Thank you so much for posting this, it is bookmarked!

Firecracker said...

Mmmmmmm. I made this. It was perfect for that creamy-earthy craving I get all the time. & my kittens enjoyed lapping the leftovers from the bowl that I foolishly left within their grasps.