
Daring Bakers: Cannoli

The November 2009 Daring Bakers Challenge was chosen and hosted by Lisa Michele of Parsley, Sage, Desserts and Line Drives. She chose the Italian Pastry, Cannolo (Cannoli is plural), using the cookbooks Lidia’s Italian-American Kitchen by Lidia Matticchio Bastianich and The Sopranos Family Cookbook by Allen Rucker; recipes by Michelle Scicolone, as ingredient/direction guides. She added her own modifications/changes, so the recipe is not 100% verbatim from either book.

Somehow September, October and November are flying by before my eyes. How is it that the Fall is almost over and the Winter is almost here? Maybe it's all the Christmas decorations in the Mall that are messing up with my perception of time?

The point is, I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything going on (cooking, blogging, trying to keep my apartment clean, dancing, freelancing for Robyn, etc) and was considering skipping this month's challenge.

Then I found out that my friend Jenny was going to be in DC. When I told Jenny about the cannoli challenge, she said it sounded like fun and "pressured" me to make them! So I did.

If you want a recipe, let me know.

The dough came together really easy, and I used my pasta machine to roll it out. I also decided to buy the cannoli molds (metal tubes), instead of making my own.

The hardest part of the challenge was removing fried cannoli from the forms. A few of them broke in the process.

For the filling, instead of using ricotta, I made home-made whipped cream and spiked it with a bit of rum, orange zest and confectionery sugar. The final result was tasty without being overwhelmingly sweet.

I made only 1/2 of the cannoli recipe and ended up frying 5 cannoli. The rest of the dough is sitting in my refrigerator and will most likely go unused. This wasn't a terribly complicated challenge, but it's also not something I'm planning on making again.

My original thought of adding some chocolate sauce to the shells and covering them with chopped almonds stayed just that: a thought.

Question: other than making more cannoli, is there anything else I can do with the metal cannoli tubes?


  1. I've been seeing all those canoli's out there. All I can say is that you're all very fearless! Beautiful, they look so delicious.

  2. Beautiful job. I think its so great u do the daring bakers thing. I have thought of joining it, but i am really intimidated by the stuff u guys do.

  3. great canoli's hope things slow a little for you

  4. Well done on this month challenge Olga, you made them beautifully.

    hope your thanksgiving was wonderful.

  5. They look lovely and delicious. :)

  6. You did a nice job. Frying is not something I normally do, but all in the spirit of the challenge, right? Hope you're having too much fun in Puerto Rico!!

  7. I know what it's like to feel so overwhelmed. I've been going with just Sundays off since the end of July. It's tough working 6 days a week and then still trying to fit everything else in. It doesn't sound like you were too excited about this challenge, but I think your cannoli are beautiful!

    Would the tubes be useful for shaping fresh pasta for manicotti maybe?

  8. Oh yum! The shells look so crispy. Good job : )

  9. Sorry they weren't you favourite - I think they look fabulous!

  10. I so know what you mean with time getting away... I wanted to do the challenge but completely ran out of time and I hate that... I hardly have time to do any cooking lately... Bah... hope that december will be a little better although unlikely..:) I just have to do the next daring bakers!!

  11. you did a wonderful job despite only frying 5 cannolis!

  12. They look beautiful...and fabulous photography as always! I found them a little time consuming using the molds....but they do make for a nice presentation. I thought a mocha filling like a tiramisu might be nice but opted for something quicker as I am feeling a bit pressed for time too!

  13. The cannoli look really good and the photos are just great.

  14. They look awesome! I'm with you on how can it be fall...and NOW, Christmas is only 25 days away!!! Gees!

    Other usage on the tubes -- shaping lace cookies, shaping one those Parmesan thingy?? :)

  15. You did a great job on your cannoli. Very pretty and great blisters.

    Natalie @ Gluten A Go Go

  16. I cannot belive I missed your cannoli entry. They look textbook perfect. Even though you won't be maing them again, you sure kicked so major cannoli butt, so it's a shame! That said..you could use the cannoli forms to deepr fry or bake other doughs, or use the inside (oiled or with plastic wrap) to mold pate's, thick dips etc..into perfect tubes which can then be sliced into coins if need be. Cookie dough too! Perfectly uniform small slice and bake cookies. Then again, if you really hate someone, you could jab 'em in the eye with one or two..lol Just throwing some ideas out there :) Thanks for deep frying with me!

  17. Did one of your flowers break off? I can't believe you would have cut one just for the picture!

    Oh, yeah and the cannolis look good.

  18. oh man, my favorite desert!! i'm SO jealous i wasn't there to eat these!!
    for the metal tubes, maybe you can make custard with them and let them set?


Thanks for stopping by Mango & Tomato. I love reading your comments and will try my best to respond to any specific questions you might have. Come back soon!