
How to Make Vanilla Extract at Home

I've written before about my resistance to sign up for Twitter. But then I joined (@MangoTomato) and have found the experience addictive and helpful so far. For example, after received vanilla bean samples from Marx Foods in Seattle, I posted a question on Twitter asking for suggestions for what to do with those vanilla beans.

Stephanie from Adventures in Shaw recommended I make vanilla extract and even gave me a link for a recipe from Chocolate and Zucchini.

All you need for this is rum (or vodka), vanilla beans, glass jar with a tightly fitted lid and 8 weeks of your time.

By the way, did you know vanilla beans come from orchids? (And I LOVE orchids.)

Basically, what you do is sterilize a glass jar with a tightly fitted lid by pouring boiling water into the jar and letting it sit for 10 minutes.

Then pour out the water. Take 3 vanilla beans and split them open with a sharp knife. Put the split beans into the jar and top off with 1 cup of rum. Close the jar tightly and shake it!!

Keep the jar in the dark cool place for 8 weeks (I heard you can also do it for 6 weeks) shaking the jar occasionally.

Thanks Cindy for the jar :)

I will let you know how this experiment works out!

Also, stay tuned for another recipe I made with the vanilla beans from Marx Foods and a chance to help me win $150 certificate from them :)


  1. I just did that a few months ago. One jar with rum and one with vodka. I can't tell a difference. But they sure beat the store bought vanilla extract. Don't tell anyone but sometimes I pour a bit in my tea.

  2. I know your resistance to join twitter.. only is a internet tool, you can control the time you spend there :)
    6 weeks the vanilla beans on vodka or rum, well they will pass wonderful times there hahaa…
    We will see the experiment.



  3. I make my owm vanilla extract as well in the same fashion. Save a TON of money. Like the new header.

  4. We have a bottle of rum with vanilla sitting in the cupboard as we speak... :) I don't like rum, so I am not likely to actually taste it, but I hear it's very good! I like your new header!!

  5. Cant wait to see how this turns out. If it works, think of how much money you will save!

  6. Wow, thank you so much OLga. What a wonderful sharing.

  7. I do appreciate your sharing this with us. All these years in the kitchen and I've never made my own extract. My bad :-).

  8. The new header is cute. ♥ it!

    Can't wait for the result of this experiment..

  9. Olga- what great new header and look.
    I don't know why I have never made my own vanilla extract-after seeing your post, it looks very easy. I have bookmarked this recipe.

    Welcome to Twitter! I am still resistant to the idea. I love the concept but, I would never be disconnected and have been hesitant.

  10. I find it best to use fragrant vanilla beans from Madagascar.

    @Jasmin: I also pour a bit of my own extract in my tea and coffee (try it out)

  11. i see you put your vanilla beans to good use! i had no idea vanilla extract was this easy to make!

  12. ..and i loooooooove the header!

  13. Brilliant. Here in Spain I've not found anywhere to buy this so will be trying the experiment too. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I've been doing this for years - I use a bottle of rum or vodka, add some split open vanilla beans to the bottle and use until I feel it's time to add more alcohol. It's definately easier than pouring it in to a different bottle and pours easier as well (however it's not as pretty).

  15. I did not know vanilla bean came from an Orchid. This is a great post by the way.

    I took a twitter class last Friday and I still don't get it. But I'm not going to give up. I'll follow you. If you don't mind, follow me too, so I can see how this whole thing works. ZChili is my user name.

  16. I tried this with Bacardi 151 rum, and the result was just too offputing to use in anything. I'm definitely going to try it again with a better tasting rum. Thanks for the post!

  17. I hope it works! Vanilla extract is so darn expensive! I also hope you're having fun in San Fran!


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