
Roasted Broccoli with Olives

In the past I've roasted Brussels sprouts, carrots, acorn squash, and brunch potatoes. You can also roast cauliflower, sweet potatoes, and red peppers: you get the idea.

Over the weekend I decided to roast broccoli. Why? Because I've had two heads of broccoli sitting in my refrigerator for several weeks, and I was tired of looking at them and did not want them to go to waste. Roasting is so simple! All you do is cut up your vegetables into the same size chunks, drizzle them with olive oil, sprinkle with some salt & pepper and spices and let them hang out in 450 degree oven from 30 to 60 minutes. How can you go wrong with it?

I decided to also use some jarred marinated olives and garlic that I had on hand and a lemon.

Roasted Broccoli with Olives

2 cups broccoli florettes
1 cup marinated olives and garlic
drizzle of olive oil
a few pinches of red pepper flakes
zest and juice of 1/2 lemon

1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
2. In a bowl combine all ingredients. Spread everything in one layer on an aluminum foil lined cookie sheet and roast for about 30 minutes.
3. Enjoy straight out of the oven, at room temperature or even cold!

P.S. What to do with leftover broccoli stems? Try my broccoli pancakes.

Do you like roasting? What's some of the non-typical things you've roasted in your kitchen?


  1. I love roasting brussel sprouts and tomatoes!

  2. This looks wonderful. Broccoli stems can also be thinly sliced and used in a stir-fry.

  3. Ooh, I love roasted vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes - they're all wonderful. It's also so easy - just toss it in a pan with olive oil and seasoning and you're good to go. That looks delicious.

  4. I wouldn't have thought of putting these ingredients together, but it looks fantastic. Yes, I do love roasting because its a lot healthier than frying.

  5. Great idea to roast the broccoli and I like your combination with olives, very unique!

  6. This is one of my fave ways of having veggies, especially in the winter. Love how the smell of veggies fill up the room :)

    Brocolli with olives sounds divine...fresh broccoli's taste so great too

  7. I'm not a huge fan of olives, but I love broccoli roasted with garlic, olive oil, and salt and pepper, and then tossed with lemon juice and zest and parm cheese! You're so right... it's easy to roast any veggies!

  8. Adore roasting vegs, the taste is superb. Very original combination of veggies Olga - mmm marinated with olives and garlic :)



  9. I so agree that roasting veggies is a great way to prepare them. I always find their taste much more intense after roasting as compaired to cooking!

  10. I'm so in love with roasted broccoli. I could eat it all day...along with roasted cauliflower and roasted brussles sprouts and roasted asparagus...and....

  11. Nice flavor with the olives and lemons. Bet capers would be nice too if there were no olives on hand. Yum.

  12. I have to try this...I love broccoli but I never tried roasting them

  13. I've also never roasted broccoli - what a simple, yet delicious recipe!

  14. roasted broccoli... soooo delish

  15. Roasting is my absolute favorite way to cook veggies! I love that caramelized flavor they get as well as the crispy texture. Mmmm. Roasted eggplant and hummus sandwiches are one of my favorite lunches!

    The addition of the olives here really spiced things up. Love it!

  16. I tend to roast broccoli now, so delicious!

  17. i love roasting veggies too, sometimes i spice them with indian spices, works every time. roasted broccoli and olive sounds really fresh!!

  18. so I followed the recipe and threw it into some pasta with some feta and a few glugs of extra virgin olive oil...unbelievable!


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