
Bake Sale for Haiti

Unfortunately, I would not be able to participate in this, but if you are in DC area on Sunday morning, March 28th, please buy some great baked goods and help raise money for Haiti.

From Adventures in Shaw:
"DC Food Bloggers are at it again! Making bake sales cool again, a group of DC area food bloggers have gotten together to whip up some tasty treats for a great cause.  This time the bake sale will be on the patio at Zorba’s Cafe (big, big thank you for their support) on Sunday, March 28th from 9 am to 11 am!  All the proceeds from this bake sale will go towards Doctors Without Borders’ relief efforts in Haiti.  Please, please, please come out before hitting up the Dupont Circle Farmers Market and buy some goodies! We’d love to sell out this bake sale too!  And if you would like to volunteer to help (we need bakers, we need sellers, we need set up and clean up help!), drop me an email!  And feel free to gank the above flyer (made by Thrifty DC Cook’s awesome cousin Thomas) to pimp out the bake sale on your blog, website, office bathroom door, etc. Oh yeah, it’s shameless promotion time…but it’s all for a good cause!"


  1. too bad we won't be around then either (off to spring break), sounds like a great event!

  2. coming! this is the perfect excuse to go to the dupont farmer's market and then brunch @ birch & barley!

  3. I'm sad I can't actually go sell, but I'm still excited to bake my things.

  4. Thanks again for posting about the bake sale!


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