
Mac & Cheese (Freelancing for Robyn Webb)

While I'm out on my vacation in Madrid, Spain, I thought I'd share with you some of the freelance photography I do for Robyn Webb's blog. Here's what happens: Robyn comes up with a recipe featuring a fabulous food find, and then I do the grocery shopping, prepare the recipes, take and edit photographs and post the final write-up. In return, I get to keep the products, eat the food, and get $$ :) Not a bad setup.

Here are a few photographs of Individual Size Mac N Cheese. For the full recipe, click here.

First of all, how adorable is this turquoise-colored individual mini Le Creuset with a lid?? I was so excited when Robyn sent me this assignment.

Second of all, believe it or not, but this was the first time I've ever made mac n cheese from scratch. The recipe take a bit more than 10 minutes, but is definitely worth it. Using three kinds of cheeses (cheddar, Parmesan and fontina), milk and half & half produces a rich and flavorful side dish that tastes equally decadent on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th day. Robyn also said you can freeze this dish after baking (and cooling) it.


  1. Oy that mini dish is freakin adorable. I was really into making homemade mac and cheese with breadcrumbs on top my senior year of college. It made me a popular invitee to dinner parties. Haven't thought about it in a while though (until now, THANKS)...

  2. That looks so good. Last weekend I made macaroni, but it was a total failure. I want to try this recipe. Maybe its a good excuse for me to get MrP to buy me these cute little dishes, no?
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    *kisses* HH

  3. So cute!

    Hope you are having a fab time on your vacation!!

  4. Whaaaaaa??? First time making mac and cheese? I hope you liked it!

  5. What a great gig you have!! I'm so jealous. I would love to have that type of job.

    Your mac-n-cheese looks fantastic.

  6. in theory, individual-sized dishes are great for limiting intake. however, with a dish like that mac & cheese, i wouldn't be able to stop with one serving. no ma'am.

  7. This is GORGEOUS! How I would love this for lunch right now.

    Enjoy Madrid! Take lots o' pictures ; )

  8. So lovely pics!! The dish looks delicious! Love the blue of pan.

  9. Wow looks tasty! My mom made mac and cheese a few weeks ago,


    I will have to give your recipe a try! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Ahhh! I just saw these little mini Le Creusets at the store and was pondering what could be made in them. They are too cute for words.

  11. ok, i LOVE the pot! and the mac! another recipe i want. yumm.....can you make this for me and ship it fedex overnight?? ;)

  12. Love this mac and cheese! You are so lucky to work for Robyn, she is such a wonderful person!

  13. Ah, this was the post I was thinking of!


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