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English muffin breakfast sandwich

Remember the pepper jelly I wrote about a few weeks ago that Mary gave me? I still had a few teaspoons left and asked you, my readers, to give me suggestions for how to use it. Julia left this comment:

I like pepper jelly as part of a breakfast sandwich. If you have homemade biscuits on hand slice biscuits in half, spread pepper jelly on each side, top with a fried egg, slice of ham, and cheese. It sounds crazy but is so yummy.
This did not sound crazy to me at all! In fact, last weekend I decided to make something similar for breakfast. Alas, I did not have homemade biscuits or ham, so I had to improvise a bit.

English muffin breakfast sandwich

1 English muffin, toasted
1 egg, fried
thin slices of red onion
pepper jelly
(oops! I forgot the cheese!!!)

1. Arrange ingredients on an English muffin in any way you like. Yes, it's really that easy.

{Note: I fried the egg in a mini cast iron pan I had: it worked really well, other than the fact that I overcooked it slightly.}

Since I slightly overcooked the fried egg, you don't see the egg yolk oozing out. Le sigh. Otherwise this was a delicious breakfast!


Anonymous said...

Actually i bought a teeny weeny frying pan just for making single eggs to fit inside an english muffin :). I like mine with just egg and cheese, maybe some herbs.
*kisses* HH

Tina said...

The whole concoction just makes my mouth water and me hungry. And I just had breakfast! I will be doing something similar this weekend. Thanks for the inspriration!

FOODalogue said...

I'd sure like to have breakfast at your house -- that looks delicious, though I'm not so sure about the raw onions first thing in the a.m. :)

BlueToYou said...

i like this idea AND i have english muffins and eggs! YAY!