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What to do with leftover baked potatoes: potato patties

Sometimes I overestimate how much of leftovers I can actually handle. Case in point a large pot of vegetarian chili and 3 large baked potatoes. I had to eat some of the chili for breakfast, just to be done with it! Does that ever happen to you? But I still had one large baked potato left.

Since you might be in the same predicament from time to time, I thought I'd share my idea for potato patties with you. Obviously this is not a recipe I invented: people have made potato croquettes with mashed potatoes before, but it's still worth sharing. The recipe can be made with leftover Thanksgiving mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes or baked potatoes.

I also used Hickory Farms Beef Summer Sausage that I received as part of Foodbuzz Tastemaker program, but you can use leftover ham, salami, or turkey. This is a great versatile recipe that can be served any time of the day!

Potato Patties

Ingredients for 4 patties
1 large baked potato, skin removed, mashed
1 egg
2 scallions, thinly sliced
1/4 cup shredded Cheddar (or use any cheese you have/like)
1/4 cup diced sausage
salt & pepper
olive oil for sauteing

1. Combine all ingredients together in a bowl.

2. Form 4 patties. If you have time, refrigerate the patties for about 10 minutes to let them set up. (I did not do this because I'm a rather impatient person, and it still worked!)

3. Heat a bit of oil in a pan and cook potato patties for about 4 minutes on each side. The cheese will help the patties get crispy and will be ooozy (did I just make up a word?) in the middle. Serve with sour cream and a some freshly chopped scallions.

You can also serve these with heated tomato sauce or some cold salsa. For a party, make these into bite sized appetizers!

If I dont' get a chance to post before Thanksgiving, have a wonderful holiday with your friends and family!

What's your favorite way to use leftover baked or mashed potatoes?


Victoria said...

These look delicious, but "leftover mashed potatoes" are not a problem for me.

mary said...

These look delicious and totally evil at the same time.

Lauren said...

Yum! I just had something very similar at a pub, but they breaded the outside and served them with curried ketchup. I've been meaning to recreate them ever since!

Anonymous said...

Well cant say i have left over potatoes, cause i always gobble them up, but these patties look awesome.
*kisses* HH

Elizabeth F. Stewart said...

This might be my favorite comfort food recipe ever. I wouldn't just make these from leftovers, I would even bake the potatoes and cook breakfast sausage just to make these.

Happy Thanksgiving.

The Small Boston Kitchen said...

Awesome! I'm putting up a post similar to this tomorrow, only I really like how yours included summer sausage...great touch! This is one of my favorite left over thanksgiving ideas. Love your pictures (as always!)

Delicious Dishings said...

I would definitely serve these as bite-size apps at a party. I think they'd be really fun at a brunch party.

Alida Sharp said...

those are yummy looking!! I think I will give these a try!

Irina said...

Your potato patties look delicious - and pretty! I'm surprised you were able to make these without adding flour. Maybe this is because you used freshly mashed baked potatoes rather than leftover mashed potatoes? I often use yesterday's mashed potatoes to make potato patties and I always have to add flour, otherwise they are too runny and don't stick together. Other ways I use leftover cooked potatoes are in frittatas and breakfast hashes.

Leslie said...

The addition of the sausage makes these little patties amazing!

BlueToYou said...

oh man do these make my mouth water, and since i was looking for a good potato latke variation for a holiday party, this might just fit the bill!