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How to make fudge at home

Fudge! Did you forget to make something sweet for the holidays? Then you should definitely read this post and make this easy no-bake sweet treat to share with your friends!

The truth is that I stumbled upon a fudge recipe on Sasha's For The Love of Food blog, and it looked sinfully delicious and ridiculously easy: a perfect combination if you ask me. She adapted her recipe from Anne Thornton's on Food Network, and I further made a few changes. This was the first time I've made fudge and I was happily surprised by the results.

Dark & Rich Fudge with Walnuts

1.5 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
1.5 cups 60% cacao bittersweet chocolate chips
14 ounce can sweet condensed milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup toasted walnuts
optional: 1/3 cup toasted coconut


1. In a medium sized pot combine chocolate, condensed milk and salt. Mix almost constantly until the chocolate has melted and everything is incorporated well. {Note: I used Kosher salt, which did not completely dissolve, giving a bit of a salty taste to the final product, which I actually liked. If you don't want that, make sure to use regular table/fine salt.}

2. Add vanilla and walnuts and mix.

3. Add the mixture to the parchment-lined 9x9 dish and spread it around until it's even on the top. {Optional: top half of the fudge with toasted shredded coconut.}

4. Refrigerate for at least few hours. Remove the fudge from the 9x9 container, peel back the parchment paper and cut into small pieces. Give the fudge to your friends or let it sit in your fridge and enjoy a small piece daily.

I was taking the photos when there was little natural light, so they aren't the best. That's also why I decided to cheat and use some of Photoshop's features ;)

Because of the combination of bittersweet and semi-sweet chocolate, this treat is not overly sweet. If you have a big sweet tooth, use all semi-sweet, or add some milk chocolate. Just experiment and have fun!

Are you a fudge purist or do you like adding things to it? Please share your answer! For those of you who celebrate Christmas, have a fantastic time with your family and friends.

I was determined to take better photos of fudge! So here you go:


Sasha said...

I'm glad you liked my idea : )
I love that you added coconut. I'll try that next time.

momgateway said...

Making these seem so much fun! Thanks for sharing.

Lemmonex said...

Fudge is so easy to make. I love adding in a big dollop of peanut butter and sprinkling the top with reece's pieces. Yum.

Delicious Dishings said...

There's something seriously wrong with me today... every recipe I see, I want to make. In your case though, this is dangerous because I have all those ingredients at home... besides walnuts and coconut, but I'm kind of a purist, so I'd skip those anyways. I may just be whipping up a batch of fudge tonight...

Esi said...

I always forget fudge amidst all the the recipes I want to make. It's so easy and good!

♥peachkins♥ said...

those look wonderful! Happy Holidays!

Leslie said...

FUDGE..mmmm. I can tear up some fudge!!!

Anonymous said...

Picture perfect daaaaaahling!
*kisses* HH

Paula - bell'alimento said...

I love fudge {& Harris Teeter} ; )

mary said...

Merry Christmas, Olga. Perhaps you should show the internets your tree with the new ornament!

nicole said...

this IS so easy! i think it's dangerous that you just showed everyone how easy it is to make fudge! I wonder If I could make a coffee version, maybe with brewed coffee in it, or chocolate covered espresso beans?

love the cute little squares, they look like they should be on a platter being passed around with toothpicks in them!

BlueToYou said...

you need to be more careful with sharing these recipes. it's too make fudge. i thought it was hard. now i may not be able to resist....DARN YOU OLGA! ;-)