
Savory Oatmeal for Breakfast

If Penny De Los Santos and Mark Bittman had a baby, this would be it. Confused!? Of course you are. I'm talking about breakfast ;)

A while ago, there was a recipe by Bittman going around the blogosphere that used leftover rice, combined with ginger, leeks and topped off with a fried egg. I made it. I loved it.

Then, last week, my friend Cecilia tweeted a recipe by Penny De Los Santos for Sexed Up Savory Oatmeal. I just HAD to try it.

And so, I combined some of the ingredients from Bittman's recipe with the ingredients from De Los Santos' recipes, and came out with my own little version of Savory Oatmeal for Breakfast.

{Note: check out the oh-so-pretty bowls my friend Jenny gave me for my belated birthday: love!}

oatmeal, cooked according to the directions on the can/box/etc {I used instant oatmeal, but think regular one would work better}
olive oil
1 leek (white part only), sliced in half, washed, sliced across thinly
1 inch ginger root, peeled, chopped finely
salt & pepper
1 egg
tamari or soy sauce

1. Heat oil in a skillet. Add leeks and ginger, salt & pepper and cook till leeks and ginger have softened and browned.
2. In a separate pan, fry an egg.
3. Mix cooked oatmeal with most of the leek/ginger mixture. Spoon into a bowl. Top off with a fried egg and the remainder of the leek/ginger mixture. Drizzle with tamari.

Honestly, forget the oatmeal. You could use rice, potatoes, noodles or even polenta. The star in this dish is the combination of leeks with ginger, the runny yolk of the fried egg and the saltiness of tamari. I absolutely loved it.

Do you like an unconventional breakfast? If yes, what is it?


  1. 1) Glad you like the bowls! :)
    2) Sounds delish! Chris had something in that vein for dinner last night -- here's the menu description: Organic Connecticut Farm Egg Serrano Ham steamed polenta, artichoke all-natural radish sprouts, coconut-garlic broth

  2. I love the bowls! They are gorgeous! This is interesting combination and one I will be trying.

  3. This is the second savory oatmeal post I've seen recently. I would never think to prepare oatmeal this way!

  4. That looks amazing---your egg looks perfect too! You go, girl :)

  5. Yay, you made it! It looks great! And congrats on the food diary @ washingtonian!

  6. AnonymousJune 23, 2011

    I really like the ideal of savoury oatmeal. Even though I adore sweets, I am much more effective when I eat a savoury breakfast.
    Beautifully done daaaaahling.
    *kisses* HH

  7. Definitely pro savory breakfasts: This one looks perfect! I love the idea of combining rich oatmeal with creamy, soft-cooked egg yolk. Yum!

  8. Carol in Ann ArborJune 23, 2011

    Love savory oatmeal! I sometimes make a large batch using chicken broth instead of water/milk, put the leftovers in a small leftover dish, and then the next day slice and saute in olive oil and top with Parmesan cheese. Another favorite breakfast riffs on the Bittman one with sauteed veggies and l/o chicken or something, soy sauce and siracha.

  9. Must. Try. Soon. I freaking LOVE the pic with the oozing egg.

  10. That bowl is gorgeous! I have to get on this savory oatmeal. It is too interesting to pass up. I do like unconventional breakfasts, at least those unconventional to the States. My favorite are Asian varieties with noodles or rice like what we had while traveling in Southeast Asia a while back.

  11. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    This looks awesome! I'm so trying savory oatmeal.


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