
What will I find at a farmers' market?

It's Friday and I'm feeling tired and a little lazy. So I'll simply share with you a few things I picked up at a local farmers' market last week.

When I go to a farmers' market, I rarely have an idea of what I want to buy. Instead, I stroll around, try a few samples, and see what sparks my interest.

Last week, instead of strolling from one stand to another, I was walking really quickly, holding an umbrella, and trying not to get drenched by the horrendous rain.

In the end, I picked up three different things: patty squash, little strawberries and red tomatoes.

What did I do with them? Well, the patty squash I thinly sliced and sauteed with onion and garlic, added some black beans, feta and fresh herbs: a lovely quick dinner.

I still have a few of the patty squash left in my refrigerator and will think of another dish to make with them this weekend. Growing up in Russia, my  mom used to marinade and can them: delightful!

When it came to the little strawberries, they were overflowing with juices! I made a quick concoction of sour cream and sugar, and used it as a dip for the strawberries. That's something we used to do in Russia. Some people find it an odd combination, but trust me: it's divine and simple and sweet and slightly tart all at the same time. By the time I finished eating the strawberries, my fingers were bright red from the juices.

And then there were the tomatoes! One of them I sliced, drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper and ate straight up. Others went into simple salads with cucumbers and dill. I might have eaten one whole like I eat an apple. What can I say? I  tomatoes!

What have you picked up at the farmers' market lately? Any weekend cooking plans? I'm planning on going to a pick-your-own-produce farm with Cecilia and Laetitia, and spending some quality time experimenting with a mango bread recipe on Sunday.


  1. AnonymousJune 24, 2011

    I love going to the market and browsing all the beautiful fruits and veggies. Most recently I had some delicious donut peaches. They were lovely.
    Those little squash are simply adorable.
    *kisses* HH

  2. I love tomatoes too! I haven't been able to get to my farmers' market yet this season, but I am hoping to go tomorrow!

  3. I need to find some strawberries that look like that! You just get tell by looking at them how delicious they must be.

  4. Everything looks so fresh and delicious!

  5. Marinated patty pan sounds great! I have cooked mine a bit in the oven and then scooped out the flesh and stuffed them with grains or cheeses. I just love the way they look and we grew them in the garden this year.


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