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Fig salad with arugula, goat cheese and pickled onions

What do you the day before or the day of travel? I pack, water my plants, charge my computer, phone, camera, and clean out my fridge.

This Saturday I had a 5 pm flight to visit my family in Seattle: this meant breakfast and lunch at home.

For breakfast, I had coconut lentil soup with pickled onions: there was just enough soup leftover to make a small meal. Plus, it was already 11 am: I slept in "slightly" after a night of salsa dancing.

For lunch, I had something special in mind. It's a salad, but it's not your typical lettuce, tomato, cucumber salad.

This one has the sweetness of ripe figs, the mild flavor from the goat cheese, the bite from the arugula and the salty, vinegary crunch of pickled onions. Instead of salad dressing, just use a splash of olive oil and a drizzle of your best balsamic vinegar, which you have reduced on the stove top till it's thick and syrupy.

That's all! Enjoy.

Hope you are all having a great week. I'm enjoying some family and friends time in Seattle! Check in on Wednesday for a panini recipe: it'll use the same ingredients as this salad, but will make something portable to take on the plane with you!


sally said...

Mmm...those pickled onions go with everything! Great looking salad!

Delicious Dishings said...

Looks gorgeous! Hope you're enjoying your trip!

Anonymous said...

Figs are such beautiful fruits, you have really captured their beauty in this salad and with your wonderful photos. It looks like it could be the subject of an oil painting.
*kisses* HH

Erin said...

Yum! This salad looks beautiful and delicious.

The Duo Dishes said...

Those onions are getting some good use. They'd be perfect with the cheese alone.

Jessica said...

Wow! Those figs look simply divine! Hope you have safe travels!

Meister @ The Nervous Cook said...

Figs + goat cheese is one of the most perfect, simple-yet-decadent flavor combinations on earth. I love fresh figs so much, and what a great use of those citrus-pickled onions!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures. Love how simple but full of flavor this salad is!

myfudo said...

I never prepared a fig salad before. I will definitely give this one a big break with my hubby and kids and see if it will stay on top of our favorite side dish.

Maggie said...

This is my idea of the perfect salad.

saladpride said...

very very nice!