
Brunch at Zaytinya in DC

This past Saturday I met my friend Cecilia for brunch at Zaytinya.

I've dined at Zaytinya many times over the years, but have never tried their brunch menu. It was time to change this!

Instead of ordering a standard mimosa, both Cecilia and I {let me just clarify that she copied me ;) } chose Istanbul, Not Constantinople cocktails. The cocktails had Maker's Mark bourbon, apricot eau-de-vie, Turkish apricot nectar, and apricot-raki air.

After clinking our glasses and trying the first sip of the cocktail, we both thought they needed some sugar. We asked and received a small glass of simple syrup: that really made the cocktail work. One was plenty for me ;)

The brunch menu has five options to choose from, but you can also order from Zaytinya's regular menu.

Cecilia and I choose two dishes to share and then ordered an additional dish for ourselves.

We shared Crispy Brussels Afelia (Brussels sprouts, coriander seed, barberries and garlic yogurt) and Bantijan Bil Laban (crispy eggplant with roasted garlic-yogurt sauce).

Both dishes were spot on: if you think you don't like Brussels sprouts, roast them! If you don't think you like eggplant, fry it. Luckily, I love both of these vegetables, so the fried preparation of the eggplant was just a cherry on top. I had to restrain myself from licking the sauce from the plates.

For my brunch dish I ordered Patata Harra (fried egg, loucaniko sausage, potato, cilantro, and allepo pepper).

I don't think I'd ever get bored with breaking the eggwhite of a perfectly prepared fried or poached egg and seeing the sunny yolk ooze out! I could eat this for breakfast every single day of my life. {No worries, could doesn't mean I actually would do that.}

When our waiter asked if we'd like dessert, both Cecilia and I said we'd be happy to look at the menu. I highly recommended Greek yogurt served with apricots and pistachios: it was fitting as our cocktails had apricot flavors!

Great brunch, great company, and solid service.

What dishes do you typically order for brunch?


  1. Zaytinya was one of my favorite restaurants when I lived in DC. Your photos make my mouth water!

  2. I am wiping drool off my chin over here :) I just love Zaytinya, and like you, have gone so many times without sampling their brunch! You have sold me.

  3. Drooling is very unlady like ;)
    Glad I can be so influential!!

  4. Love those brussels sprouts! Gorgeous photos.

  5. I still cannot get over how perfectly cooked that egg was. I want every bit of this brunch. Everything looks insanely good.

  6. Well, you know how I visited Boston? It's time for you to come to DC and we'll dine out together!

  7. Yum! I may have to finally check this place out.

  8. Great review -- I love brunching and always find myself eyeing for great breakfast foods, that includes the opportunity for oozing egg ;)

  9. oh, I had no clue you used to live in DC!!

  10. I adore Zaytinya! I never realized that they did brunch (maybe they didn't when I lived there?). The Brussels sprouts like like they're to die for.

  11. Wow, I've heard of the place but have not gone there. Your photos are so fabulous. This is one of Jose Andres' places, I think. Zait is Arbaic for cooking oil as in zait zaitoon (olive oil) so Zaytinya would be sort of essence of oilve oil almost.

  12. I have never thought of going to Zaytinya for brunch! everything looks delish, especially those sprouts & the poached egg dish! I might go there w/ Stephanie next time she's hankering for brunch since it's very vegetarian friendly.

    p.s. noticed you changed the comment style to Disqus. I like it, but it doesn't work on the iPad! Guess I have to view and comment on your posts in browser ;)

  13. That egg and sausage dish looks sinfully delicious, esp. now that I'm growing to love runny eggs...

  14. I ate at Zaytinya a few months back and those Brussels Sprouts changed my life (in a manner of speaking). I never really liked Sprouts but once I tried one of theseI couldn't get enough. Excellent photo

  15. Thank you! I have a few Brussels sprouts recipes on the blog: make sure to check them out.


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