
New Things in the Kitchen

Happy Saturday!

This post has been at least  a month in the making. I want to share with you a few new things in my kitchen.

Here's a collection of some new dishes I picked up at Goodwill and Crate & Barrel Outlet, as well as a pretty place mat. You've already seen some of these appear in my food photographs. The flowered tea cup didn't have a matching saucer, but luckily I found one on eBay and ordered it.

If you follow me on Twitter, you know I've been contemplating hiring someone to do a tile backsplash in my kitchen. After some though--and an estimate--I changed my mind and decided to paint the walls...myself!

Here are some of the paint colors I was considering:

While I considered the colors, the saucer arrived from eBay; so now I have a complete cup & saucer set, and I love it.

I also purchased a beautiful handmade board:

And then I listened to Anna and went WILD and CRAZY and painted my kitchen a bright green color:

I've also added to my family of Le Creuset. Check out the new yellow oven on top:

And finally, a yellow oval baking dish by Emile Henry: thank you, parents!

Have you added something to your kitchen lately? What has been your favorite find?


  1. I love the green! Must be the year for kitchen renovations - I currently have a bunch of paint samples taped up in mine too. I'm thinking of going with a super pale yellow (it almost looks like it's white but sunny if that makes sense?)

  2. Mine used to be a super light yellow: almost not visible at all. I say go brighter!!! :) Would love to see the samples.

  3. I love your Le Creuset Family. Mine are Slate and Cassis colored (which work nicely together) but I love love your primary color range.

    Inspired in part by your mini Le Creuset (I think you had mac in cheese in it for the photo?) I bought 4 Cassis mini's last year and they are still my favorite :)

    Love the green. Gorgeous :)

  4. woo hoo! so glad I could be an inspiration for shopping ;)
    Your collection sounds lovely.

  5. domenicacooksJanuary 07, 2012

    I like all the cheerful colors, Olga. The green walls look terrific. Happy New Year!

  6. Looks great! It reminds me of freckled citizen's kitchen.

  7. Love the green! The best thing is that you could always do a translucent backsplash of glass tiles over the green paint, or just pick a complimentary backsplash later.

    So smart to have your Le Creuset's on a shelf! I wish we had some room for things like that in the apartment

  8. I love my Williams Sonoma college color toile placemats (go Dukes!). But my favorite recent acquisition is my huge pewter pitcher for sangria.

  9. Definitely! And this post with the beautiful photos is providing more inspiration :)

  10. I love the color! My husband and I usually go for bold colors for all of our rooms - they just bring a splash of life in your every-day routine.
    And that green goes so well with the color of your cabinets. Just lovely!
    I am thinking of adding a backsplash to our wall - a trip to Home Depot is a must:)

  11. good luck with the back splash!!! and thanks for all the compliments ;)

  12. DeliciousDishJanuary 07, 2012

    I would never think to do a green like that but it looks awesome! I actually think I've refrained from buying new kitchen stuff... and have been putting everything I can think of on our registry.

  13. The Hungry HousewifeJanuary 07, 2012

    Love the green color...very earthy!

  14. Olga,
    I love love love the green in your kitchen.... Really very nice.
    Lovely addition to your kitchen from the board to yellow baking dish, Love it all.
    Now I wanna go shopping ;-)

  15. Your kitchen looks awesome with the green Olga! Nice!! We're dying to get our kitchen done too but it's going to be a while unfortunately. In the meantime we're trying to limit new things as there is no more space left!

  16. I love your bright and cheery kitchen. And I'm so jealous of your clean countertops. Love the green.

  17. The counters are only clean for the purpose of the photos ;)

    Olga L. Berman
    Producer Price Index
    (202) 691-7878

  18. I loooove your kitchen! You made the right choice of color.
    I recently acquired my first Dutch oven and I adore it.

  19. Tiffany LundinSeptember 28, 2012

    I'm in the midst of painting our new kitchen a very similar green, do you remember the name of it?

  20. Hi!
    It's Ace Hardware paint: Council Oaks B29-6 in semi gloss.
    Hope this helps. Let me know how it turns out.


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