
What to eat when you are sick: Kimchi Soup Recipe

You guys! The three-day weekend turned into a five-day weekend.

Do NOT be jealous. I've been home sick since Friday. Thankfully, I have enough sick hours and don't have a job where I must come in even when I'm not feeling a hundred percent.

I've been coughing, sneezing, taking long naps, spending countless hours watching TV, and of course tweeting.

Unlike most people, luckily, my appetite doesn't suffer when I'm sick. After a few days at home, I began running out of food to make. I bundled up and made my way to the grocery store.

I decided I needed something hot and spicy. Since soup is a great meal that's what I decided to make.

Growing up in Russia, many of the soups were cabbage-based, either fresh cabbage or sauerkraut. To change things up a bit, I decided to use kimchi and make Kimchi Soup!

Kimchi Soup

32 ounces low fat chicken stock
32 ounces water
4 medium size Yukon gold potatoes, peeled, cut into one-inch cubes
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 onion, diced
4 carrots, peeled, thinly sliced on a diagonal
salt & pepper
14 ounce jar of kimchi with the liquid
1 cup frozen peas, defrosted
fresh chopped parsley for garnish

1. In a soup pot combine chicken stock and water, add potatoes and cook until they are almost fork tender.
2. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a skillet. Add onions and saute for seven minutes.
3. Add carrots to the onions and cook for another ten minutes, seasoning with salt and pepper.
4. Once the potatoes are almost fork tender, add onions/carrots, kimchi and defrosted peas to the soup pot.
5. Bring the soup to a boil, lower the heat and simmer for five minutes.
6. Serve the soup in deep bowls, topped with fresh parsley.

This is an incredibly easy, but very satisfying soup to make. It's great the next day as leftovers: the heat from the kimchi continues to develop.

Make this soup: you are going to love it!

What do you cook when you are sick? (Or do you order in?)


  1. This looks really tasty! Hope it does the trick and you're feeling better soon.

  2. When I'm feeling sick, I like soft-boiled eggs served over buttered toast cut into 1" squares. I actually like that any time, but it's something that my mom would always make for me when I was a kid and feeling sick.

  3. that sounds delicious! and it's true: I often crave things that my parents would make when I was young.

  4. LiviningtheweedsJanuary 17, 2012

    That sounds fantastic. I have soft spot in my heart for cabbage with my Irish family being the root cause of that.

    However, my go-to sick food is Carrot-Jalapeno Soup; creamy, sweet and spicy all things that feel good when you feel bad.

  5. Sorry to hear that you are sick! I hope this yummy looking soup helps you feel better!

  6. What a perfect soup for snapping one out of a cold and flu bout! And more ammunition to fuel my ever-growing kimchi obsession...

  7. woo hoo! I should have kept some of the kimchi to make kimchi fried rice ;)

  8. DeliciousDishJanuary 17, 2012

    This definitely sounds like a feel-good soup! When I'm really sick, I grab the packets of Lipton Double Noodle.

  9. Wooo!!! kimchi fried rice! Do you eat it with cheese? or fried egg? or tuna? Yum.

  10. I've never made it ;) Was just thinking out loud. But I think I'd have it with an egg for sure.

  11. Yum! I could put kimchi on everythign!!

  12. I hope you're feeling better!
    Using kimchi in this soup is such an awesome idea.
    My appetite doesn't suffer either when I'm sick and I usually just like to indulge (because I'm pitying myself...) I usually get a stromboli from the pizzeria by my house or order Chinese food.


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