
Seriously, Tastespotting? Seriously?

I have nothing against these photos or the people who took them. I just for the life of me don't understand how these are considered good composition by Tastespotting, but my photos get rejected.

I know I'm going to get in trouble for posting this. But Seriously!?


  1. Dana SindonaMarch 01, 2012

    Why not show us which of your photos were rejected? Maybe visitors could offer some input.

  2. DeliciousDishMarch 01, 2012

    I hear ya. I don't even bother trying anymore. The few times I've taken a really good photo, I've tried to get it accepted and it gets shot down and then I see pictures there that are much, much worse. I know I'll never take good enough pics to get them on there, but you take amazing pics that should all be on there!

  3. I'm just glad none of those are mine ;) But honestly, I feel your pain. It's funny, I used to have a great track record with TS but a horrible time getting on FG, and now the tables have turned. TS is near impossible for me.

  4. like I said, I'm not against photos. I'm just against mine not being accepted when they are better. Specifically my focaccia ones from the previous post.

  5. I was mainly pissed about my focaccia photos not being accepted. But could give a 1,000 other examples.

  6. I stopped submitting to that site long ago. It just became a waste of time. I'm convinced they have monkeys as editors who just click randomly. There are other less painful ways to drive traffic to your blog.
    BTW I love your photography :)

  7. Thank you!!!
    What are some of the other less painful ways to drive traffic?

    Hope you are feeling better!

  8. Yeah I get so frustrated with that site. Your shots are beautiful and there's no way they should be rejected!

  9. I don't understand how their process works - because I agree with you - some of their choices are really puzzling. I've submitted photos that I was SURE would be rejected, and they were accepted. And vice versa - photos I loved and was so proud of they shot down immediately. Your focaccia photos are gorgeous!

  10. Thank you, Jessica! I feel the same way. I know I should just stop submitting, but then they’ll never accept my photos for sure.

  11. gastronomerMarch 02, 2012

    Olga, you always crack me up. Keep plugging away, girl!

  12. gina homolkaMarch 02, 2012

    Foodgawker is better anyway.

  13. the hungry housewifeMarch 03, 2012

    Ohhhhh , you funny!!!!

  14. I feel ya, girl. It's so arbitrary sometimes! Plus I hate how sometimes I'll have an *awesome* shot, but once I crop it into their stupid square... crap. I don't understand why these photo sites can't stick with rectangles, since, you know, that's the shape photos actually are? (sorry to go off on a tangent, I've been wanting to rant about that for a while)

  15. ha! I just needed to get it out of my system :)
    and I agree about having to cut things into squares: I mean Pinterest allows rectangles, why can't TS and Foodgawker?

  16. LOL....
    Sometime I fail to understand WHAT I DID WRONG IN THE PIC!!!!!

  17. Wow, I just found your blog having lost the bookmark in a computer meltdown a couple of years ago. So good to be back. And yeah, those shots suck. One thing I have noticed though is the shots I see on your blog now have a blue tinge to them. Have you changed colour settings? Could it be you don't see the blue and tastespotting does and doesn't like it?

  18. Hi!
    Welcome back. You are totally right about the bluish tint. Not sure what's going on: I've tried to reset white balance....I think it might be the reflection from some of the blue linens I'm using.

  19. Connie ZhouJanuary 16, 2013

    i know right?! my photos keep getting rejected and it's pissing me offfff!


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