
Recipe for Nutella Ice Cream from Giuliano Hazan's Hazan Family Favorites Cookbook

Before I share a recipe for Nutella Ice Cream from Giuliano Hazan's Hazan Family Favorites Cookbook, I'd like to share a bit of the back story.

I met Giuliano years ago when I assisted his cooking class at Sur La Table. He was soft spoken, yet clearly passionate about Italian cooking. He treated all students and assistants equally and was eager to share his knowledge of ingredients, techniques and recipes.

In fact, I still teach Giuliano's method of chopping an onion in my knife skills classes. Want to learn it? Holler ;)

When I joined Twitter, I started following Giuliano's wife, Lael, and quickly said yes when she offered me a copy of Hazan Family Favorites for review.

A few weeks ago I received a beautiful cookbook with enticing food photographs, touching family photos and recipes that span from pizza to semifreddo.

But where to start?

This past week I visited my family and friends in Seattle. The weather was stunningly sunny and warm, so I decided to make Nutella Ice Cream. Luckily, Anna's friend Naomi let me borrow her ice cream maker, and Anna let me have her bowls and ice cream scoop. The beautiful cutting board is from my brother Misha, who doesn't have a blog or a twitter account, but carved it himself!

Nutella Ice Cream
Reprinted with permission from Hazan Family Favorites
makes 1 quart

2 cups whole milk
4 egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar
4 ounces (1/4 cup) Nutella

1. Put the milk in a saucepan over medium heat. When the milk is hot enough to release steam when stirred, but not boiling, remove from the heat and pour the hot milk into a heatproof pitcher or cup with a spout.

2. While the milk is heating, put the yolks in a mixing bowl. Add the sugar and whip at high speed until the mixture is pale yellow, thick and creamy.

3. Slowly add the hot milk to the egg mixture while whisking on low speed. Once half the milk is added, you can begin to pour a little faster until all the milk is added. Add the Nutella and whip on medium speed until it is evenly incorporated.

4. Chill the mixture in the refrigerator. When it is cold, freeze in an ice-cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions. Serve right away or store, tightly covered, in the freezer. It should keep for sever days before ice crystals begin to form.

The ice cream was sweet and screamed NUTELLA. I thought the texture was closer to granita, sonext time I will try using heavy cream or half & half, and maybe adding an extra yolk to the mixture. Anna suggested adding roasted salted hazelnuts for a bit of texture and flavor contrast.

I'm looking forward to making more recipes from Giuliano's book and hope you will too!


  1. Love homemade ice cream! I like Anna's idea for adding roasted salted hazelnuts. YUM!

  2. DeliciousDishMay 21, 2012

    That cutting board is gorgeous! And you know I would love that ice cream.

  3. Anything with Nutella is amazing. Ice cream just takes it over the age.

  4. That looks so yummy, and I'm amazed at how simple the ingredient list is. I wish I had an ice cream maker right now!

  5. Nutella has always been a favorite of mine. I love the multi-capabilities and the flavor it can add to just about anything. Ice cream is another favorite. Now, you have just made me smile by putting together 2 of my favorite treats. This is something I will really make time for. Thanks!

  6. Oh this looks amazing. I wish I had an ice cream machine!

  7. Mmm yummy. Nutella can do no wrong.
    I have those same Soviet teaspoons at home, Haha!

  8. Those spoons are my parents’! I should have accidentally packed a few of them in my suitcase ;(

  9. You can make it as granita..

  10. I love Nutella- so this might have to be the next dessert I make! Looks so yummy!

  11. Do it! Just make sure not to expect a super creamy texture. Or try adding an extra yolk. Let me know how it turns out.

  12. mikeindenverJuly 07, 2012

    have begun refrigerating the custard to make ice cream this afternoon. Couldnt help tinkering though...added 1c heavy cream. upped the sugar to a total of 1/2c and upped nutella to 1/2c. I think the added sugar and nutella follows your recipe profile, just upped to account for the added cream. My pet peeve is freezer life for homemade ice creams and I've begun playing with guar gum, xanthan gum and small amounts of alcohol to try and extend freezer life and get an easily scoopable product after a few days (1 week?) in the freezer...so for this recipe, I'm adding 1T homemade vanilla vodka and 1/4tsp of xanthan gum. Whether I get the results I hope for or not, in the words of Ben and Jerry, "There's no such thing as an unredeemingly bad batch of homemade ice cream."

  13. Those changes sound great. That's what I like about cooking: you can make it your own.

  14. can u do this without a icecream maker?

  15. You could freeze it in a container and then using a fork mix the base every 15 minutes or so. You will not get the same texture, but the flavor will still be great.
    Or drink it as a milkshake? :)
    Hope this helps.

  16. raw eggs anyone?
    i didnt see the issue till my mother pointed it out.
    she seems to have a problem with the eggs.


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