
A Visit to Columbia Pike Farmers Market in Arlington, VA. What's in Season?

This past Sunday I checked out the new-to-me Columbia Pike Farmers Market with Mary and her super cute daughter Josie. Since I'm actually in Asheville, NC for the weekend (holler!), I just took photos of the pretty flowers and produce and helped Mary carry her purchases ;) I'm a great mommy helper.

The market had a good amount of produce, some hand made soap and even a live band. I liked that it wasn't crowded. The prices seemed pretty reasonable compared to Dupont Farmers Market.

Below are some of my favorite photos! Enjoy!

Squash blossoms

Yellow and green beans

Beautiful okra (again, two different colors) and tomatoes


Peaches {I tried one, but did not think it was fully ripe}

Spring onions

Fresh garlic: it smelled unbelievably amazing {I never said I was a food writer}

Guess what this is:

Did you think dill? Nope, fennel!

These mini carrots and beets were adorable! They'd be perfect eaten raw with dips or pickled.

More tomatoes, okra and peppers

Purple and yellow cauliflower, which sadly tastes exactly the same as the regular one.

Have you been to a farmers market lately? What did you buy? What produce are you most looking forward to buying in the summer?

{If you want to follow my adventures in Asheville, follow me on Twitter and look for #ExploreAVL!}


  1. Love the market on the Pike! It's especially great in the fall. I go crazy buying all kinds of apples!

  2. I didn't even know there was a market on the pike! What day:time is it?

  3. Great photos! Never been to this farmer's market, but it looks like there are a lot of choices!


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