
Not Your Momma's Fruit Salad: Watermelon, Mango & Blueberry Fruit Salad with a Twist

Happy Friday! Today's post is simple and sweet. Literally.

Growing up in Russia, I'm sure we had fruit salads. But those involved a bit of mayonnaise. I know. What can I say? We love our white condiments.

When my family moved to the States, we discovered new types of fruits while others simply became more accessible. For a while, I LOVED that. But then, it just became the norm and I started to turn my nose up toward watermelon and grapes with seeds. My dad still reminds me how in Moscow I would have been happy to have any watermelon or grapes period.

I also began to detest bananas. I hate the smell of them, the texture and just the idea. I know I'm not the only one.

So this salad has no bananas. Instead, it uses sweet mangoes, juicy cubes of watermelon, hand-picked blueberries and for a bit of novelty jalapeno pepper and basil!

Yes, this combination of sweet and savory is definitely not your momma's fruit salad.

Watermelon, Mango & Blueberry Fruit Salad with a Twist

1 part watermelon cubes
1 part mango cubes
1 part blueberries {I actually used frozen blueberries that I picked myself}
finely chopped jalapeno to taste
chiffonade of basil to taste
optional: a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange and/or a dash of sugar or salt

Serve the salad right away or let the flavors get familiar with one another as they hang out in the refrigerator.

What do YOU put in your fruit salad?


  1. Aha! Basil in the fruit salad. What a compelling combo. And a hot pepper! Whoa mama. Now I'm intrigued.

  2. ellenbcookeryJuly 13, 2012

    I can't even begin to imagine what the heated spice would taste like when combined with sweet. I'm surely intrigued because it looks so good!

  3. Val @ Tips on Healthy EatingJuly 13, 2012

    So creative! I love mango with chili powder so I imagine this is great. And a great way to use some fresh basil.

  4. You must have been talking to Tom as he hates bananas. I love them but he would for sure prefer his salad to be without... :) love this colorful salad. Beautiful!

  5. I love the addition of jalapeno -- what a great idea! My secret fruit salad ingredient is passion fruit.

  6. Yes! Tom and I have weekly chats ;)

  7. Thanks! Not a huge fan of passion fruit, but know a lot of people who love it.

  8. Give it a try and let me know! You can add just a bit of jalapeno and make sure to get rid of the seeds so that it's not too spicy.


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