
Nutella Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies & AirBake Review

Check your twitter stream, Pinterest boards or Facebook pages and you'll notice that 'tis the season for baking! Whether you are making chocolate chip cookies, biscotti, or macaroons, the types of cookie sheets you use is quite important.

My cookie sheets, I'm slightly ashamed to admit, are not in a pristine condition. They are stained from curried potatoes and carrots and no longer shine. But they do still work, so I keep them.

Last week, however, I got a chance to test out new shiny cookie sheets made by T-fal: AirBake! {Make sure to read to the bottom of the post to see how you can win your own set!}

These cookie sheets promised even baking and browning, not to rust, and to even decrease the amount of time you'd have to bake the cookies in the oven. How do they do that? Well, they have Micro-Dome technology: fancy terminology, yes? :)
"Two heavyweight aluminum sheets surround a layer of air. The air reduces the temperature of the metal that comes in contact with the food."

Plus, they look cool!

I decided to test these with some of the leftover Nutella cookie dough I had in the freezer.

Nutella Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies
{Cookie dough recipe Mike Isabella's Crazy Good Italian}


1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup Nutella
2 sticks unsalted butter, room temperature
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
2 teaspoons kosher salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/4 cup raw sugar
jar of crunchy peanut butter {you will not use all of it}


1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Have two nonstick baking sheets ready or line baking sheets with parchment paper.

2. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, mix the brown sugar, sugar and Nutella on the second-lowest speed for 1 minute or until the ingredients are fully incorporated. Add the butter and mix on the third-lowest speed for 2 minutes, or until whipped and light in color.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, salt and baking soda. Slowly add the flour mixture to the mixer on the lowest speed setting. Mix all ingredients for 2 minutes, stopping halfway through to scrape down the inside of the mixing bowl to incorporate all the ingredients. The dough will come together and pull away from the sides of the mixing bowl. It will look a little crumbly — that's okay.

4. Dust a work surface and rolling pin with flour to prevent sticking. With your hands, scoop out one-third of the dough and mold it into a small brick on your work surface. Rolling from the center out (north, south, east and west), gently roll the dough into a 1/16-inch thick sheet. Dust the surface of the dough with a little flour before rolling. If the dough starts to tear or stick to the rolling pin, dust with a little more flour.

5. Using a 2-inch ring mold or 2-inch circular cookie cutter, punch out cookies and place them on nonstick or parchment-lined baking sheets.

6. Add some dough from the mixing bowl to what's left over on your work surface and pull it together and roll like you did in Step 4. Punch out more cookies and repeat until all the dough has been used.

7. Placing the cookie sheets on the middle and lower oven racks, bake the cookies for 5 minutes, remove them from the oven, and sprinkle evenly with raw sugar. Put the cookies back in the oven, then rotate the baking sheets 180 degrees and switch the upper and lower cookie sheet positions so they bake evenly for 5 more minutes.

8. Remove the cookies from the oven, let rest on the baking sheet for 1 minute, and use a clean offset spatula to transfer them to a cooling rack. 

9. Once the cookies are cooled, spread one half with the crunchy peanut butter and top them with the rest of the cookies.

As you can see, a tiny bit of the cookie dough did stick to the AirBake cookie sheets, but overall they performed well! Even though these cookie sheets are dishwasher safe, I decided to wash mine by hand, just to be on a safe side.

The combination of Nutella and crunchy peanut butter was great! These cookies are quite large, so feel free to share them with those you ♥: I'm sure they will appreciate it.

And now YOU can win your own set of two AirBake cookie sheets.

1) You must have a US address
2) You must have your own food blog {I will disregard all of the professional contest commentators}
3) Leave a comment telling me what kind of a cookie you'd like to bake on these cookie sheets OR a link to your own favorite cookies.

I will choose one random winner on December 24th!

And the winner is EVI!!!

Disclaimer: I was provided with a two piece set of AirBake cookie sheets but was in no way compensated for this post. All opinions are my own.


  1. My favorite cookie recently - http://www.localinseason.com/late-winter/218-let-maple-warm-your-winter.html.

    But I need to try your recipe - 2 of my favorite things together!

  2. Hmmm. Someone special is celebrating his birthday soon and hoping to get cookies! These would help greatly. I want something dark chocolaty and irresistible. Blog: Snacking in the Kitchen :-)

  3. Laetitia BrockDecember 14, 2012

    Since nutella is my peanut butter I should make those with nutella in the middle ;-)

  4. For some reason, I have been craving ginger snaps so i will say that is my favorite cookie. I am actually planning to bake a batch very soon and will post them to my blog.

  5. Snickerdoodles are a classic in our household, no matter the season!

  6. These photos are really beautiful. I love that little glass saucer.
    I'd like to bake these very Nutella cookies. It's Nutella... duh.

  7. Some pretty awesome cookies Olga. You just inspired me to bake some more cookies today. Yep, that's what's gonna happen straight away!

  8. I'm about to bake our winter/christmas cookies and am still deciding on recipes. We always make linzer cookies and this year we'll be attempting to re-create the sparkle cookie from J. Chocolatier in georgetown.

    If it says it can bake to cookies in less time, do you think it might bake the cookies too fast and over-cook them? Yours look like they came out perfectly though. Did you need to alter the cooking time?

  9. What a wonderful giveaway! I think I'll go with the standard- chocolate chip cookies are the best to make. Everyone likes them! =)

  10. I have had a dairy free diet for the past year so cookies have been limited but I've recently discovered the world of non dairy treats. My favorite are chocolate chip cookies with a dash of sea salt! I'd love to bake them on cookie sheets as cool as these :)

  11. I don't know if I have a food blog, per se, but I do include recipes on my blog, so I figured I'd try. This weekend I'm looking forward to a batch of spiced persimmon cookies and another of my great aunt's signature gingerbread.

  12. I would made a double-batch of my Grandmother's Anise Biscotti. I may have already polished off the first batch. :)


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