
Love Hummus? Then Make This Roasted Sweet Potato Hummus!

I ♥ hummus. It's great as a dip or a spread on a sandwich, or just eaten with a spoon. This weekend I had a friend over for some girl time (champagne drinking, nail painting, reality TV watching) and wanted to make a few snacks.

Instead of buying or making a plain hummus, I ended up using roasted sweet potatoes from a dinner I made earlier in the week. Originally I roasted sweet potatoes and red onion seasoned with chili powder, salt, pepper and a bit of dry thyme. I served those with cooked at home (vs canned) chickpeas, arugula and lemon juice. The leftover roasted sweet potatoes, red onion and chickpeas got a new life in this dip!

Love Hummus? Then Make This Roasted Sweet Potato Hummus!

1 cup cubed roasted potatoes
1/4 roasted red onion
1 cup chickpeas
juice of 1/2 lemon
1/4 cup tahini
1/4-1/2 cup water
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil
smoked paprika
chopped chives

1. In a food processor puree the first five ingredients adding water as needed.
2. Season with salt and pepper.
3. Serve this roasted sweet potato hummus in a shallow bowl or a plate drizzled with olive oil and topped with smoked paprika and chopped chives. 

The roasted sweet potatoes gave a rich flavor to the hummus and a bit of a golden color. Because I used chickpeas I cooked myself, they were more firm than the canned ones and did not completely get pureed, which I actually sort of liked.

Serve this hummus with carrots and snow peas or crackers!


What do YOU like to add to your hummus?

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