
Magnolia Ice Cream: Fun Colors & Delicious Flavors

Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? I don't. I actually don't even like Irish accents...yes, says the girl with a Russian accent. Needless to say, I have deleted a zillion pitches that were emailed to me about this holiday. However, when I saw an email from Magnolia Ice Cream in my inbox, I got excited!!!

Turns out Magnolia ice cream makes avocado flavor: a perfectly natural green food for a St. Patrick's Day. When they asked me if I'd like to try it, I said sure! I love ice cream. I love avocados. Would I love an avocado ice cream? Only one way to find out.

A little bit more about Magnolia:
"Magnolia is a California made, all natural, ice cream line which contains only California pasture raised dairy along with whole fruit purees, most of which are grown on small family farms in Southeast Asia. The tropical ice cream flavors include: Mango, Coconut, Lychee, Thai Tea, Avocado and Purple Yam. While all the exotic flavors are delicious, the green Avocado is sure to stand out this St. Patrick’s Day. In addition to Magnolia® Ice Cream, Ramar Foods also produces a delicious range of all-natural single serve novelty milkbars which flavors feature: Azuki Red Bean, Halo Halo, Purple Yam & Red Bean, Coconut, and Mango."

The nice people at Magnolia company not only sent me the avocado ice cream, but also a variety of ice cream flavors mentioned above, including milkbars!!

Needless to say, I did not need to eat all this ice cream solo, so I invited some of my friends for an ice cream open house!

Aren't the colors stunning??? I've tried the mango flavor months ago when I saw it at a little Filippino store, but was looking forward to trying all the others.

My favorites by far were the mango, Thai tea and coconut. They truly tasted exactly like their names.

The avocado and ube (purple potato) flavors were slightly sweet and delicious, but did not immediately made me think of the main ingredients they were made from. My friend Cindy's almost 4 year old son really liked the Ube flavor which we pretended was blueberry ;)

I love the consistency of Magnolia ice cream: smooth and dense. I'm looking forward to trying their Purlpe Yam & Red Bean variety, which is still sitting safely in my freezer.

Because the flavors of the Magnolia ice cream were so distinct, I did not think we'll need too many toppings. I provided dark chocolate chips and sprinkles, while my friend Cindy brought toasted coconut.

This was a lot of fun!!!!

If you would like to get Magnolia ice cream, it's available at select Whole Foods, Albertsons, Luckys (CA); H.E.B. (TX); Kings, Balduccis (NJ/CT/MD); Morton Williams, Gourmet Garage, Stinky Brooklyn (NY), as well as Asian Supermarkets across the US as well as in Toronto, Vancover, Richmond, and Surrey B.C.

Disclosure: Magnolia company provided their ice cream to me, but I was not compensated for writing this post. All

1 comment:

  1. love the colors! how was the thai iced tea flavor?


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