
Polenta & Mushrooms From Plenty Cookbook: Dinner Party & Leftovers

Happy almost weekend! The weather is finally turning lovely and hopefully Spring is here for good. I'm crossing all my fingers and toes.

This is a quick post on how to turn food you made for dinner into leftovers for lunch or brunch the next day.

Simply put, PUT AN EGG ON IT ;)

A few months ago I had friends over for a Dinner Cookbook Party where we made dishes from Plenty Cookbook. One of the best ones was a Mushroom & Herb Polenta Dish with a ton of Parmesan and Taleggio cheese in it. You can see the recipe on my friend Cecilia's blog.

We improvised and took out tarragon, because I'm not a fan of this herb, but there was plenty of flavor from thyme and rosemary. Not to mention butter. And truffle oil.

Because the recipe made quite a bit, there were leftovers! The next morning, I reheated the leftovers and topped them with a fried egg and fresh thyme for a late breakfast.

Simple? Yes. Delicious? Yes. Worth making again? For sure!

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh. I would make this without tarragon too. My friends and I had a Plenty/Jerusalem cooking party not too long ago. So much fun!


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