
Accidental Snack: Crispy Chickpeas & Pepitas with Za'atar

This Crispy Chickpeas & Pepitas with Za'atar idea came accidentally. I was making a butternut squash soup and wanted something crunchy to add to the otherwise smooth recipe. Don't worry, I'll share the recipe next week. I happened to have a container of home cooked chickpeas in my refrigerator and another container of pepitas left over from the Sweet Potatoes with Black Beans, Avocado & Feta I made earlier.

Pepitas are pumpkin seeds! They can be found in your local grocery store and are great as additions to salads, granola, soups, or as a snack.

So I decided to combine the chickpeas with pepitas and add za'atar to spice things up! Za'atar, in case you've never heard of it, is a combination of spices and sesame seeds. It comes in green, red and brown varieties. Use whichever one you want.

Accidental Snack: Crispy Chickpeas & Pepitas with Za'atar

olive oil
1 part chickpeas (home cooked are awesome, but you can use canned too)
1 part pepitas
za'atar to taste
salt to taste 

1. Heat the olive oil in a skillet.
2. Add chickpeas and pepitas.
3. Season with za'atar and salt and saute on medium heat until the chikpeas and pepitas are golden brown.
4. Adjust for salt and serve immediately.

Doesn't this look great? It was really delicious mixed into my butternut squash soup. And I also ate it as is ;)

Make it for your next get together!!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

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