
F*ck Forks: a finger-lickin' culinary crusade against cancer

If you've never met me, you probably don't realize that I like to swear. Words like sh*t and f*ck come out of my mouth more often than my parents or even my sister would like. Maybe I should work on that...

When Kyle invited me to attend the F*ck Forks event that will raise money to fight cancer for Fuck Cancer organization, I was happy to accept her invitation. The event will combine my love for food and drinks (10 chefs and 4 mixologists!), one of my favorite bad words, and a great cause!

If you are in DC Thursday, October 24th and would like to attend the event, get your tickets now!

You'll eat fork-free food, listen to live music from DJ Kid Cannibal and experience interactive art by ArtJamz all while raising money for a good cause.

Disclosure: my ticket is being provided by industree.

FCancer is a non-profit cancer education organization aiming to erase late stage cancer diagnosis and create a more human cancer movement. Harnessing social media, FCancer targets Gen Y to educate about early detection, preventative lifestyles and communication around cancer. Yael Cohen started FCancer in 2009 after her mother was diagnosed with cancer and she learned that 90% of cancer is curable when caught in stage one. Yael surrounded herself with cancer research, medical professionals and studies so she could best understand what her mom was going through, why it happened and how to be the best caregiver possible. Determined to marshal strength for her mom, Yael decided to use the “F” word to fight the “C” word, creating t-shirts for her mom and family that read "F*** Cancer." After seeing the strong response the t-shirts elicited Yael saw a void in the cancer space for an authentic community for those affected by cancer. FCancer strives to create a more passionate and authentic cancer movement focusing on the psychological, not just the physiological and communicating in a human and effective way - making it a little less scary for patients, family and caregivers alike. Creating unique tools and campaigns, using technology, humor, and celebrities FCancer enables its community to engage with cancer on a different level. For more information on FCancer, please visit www.letsfcancer.com


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