
Fun Idea for Pumpkin Decorating: Permanent Markers, Sparkly Nail Polish & Orla Kiely

Here's the truth: I really don't care about Halloween. I didn't grow up with this holiday, and other than the dark chocolate candy that goes on sale after Halloween, I could not care less for it. Ok, I do like seeing adorable costumes my friends get for their kids.

What I do love, though, is fall. And pumpkins, even though they appear in too many desserts and even coffee during fall, are cute and fun to use as decorations.

Yesterday I bought a pumpkin to decorate for my condo, but did not want to carve it. So I used a pretty wrapping paper that reminded me of Orla Kiely designs as my inspiration, and permanent markers and sparkly nail polish as my tools.

Fun Idea for Pumpkin Decorating: Permanent Markers, Sparkly Nail Polish & Orla Kiely

1) Draw black dividing lines following the natural shape of the pumpkin
2) Draw leaves in different colors using permanent markers and color them in
3) Use sparkly nail polish to add a bit of fun!

Not only was this fun to do, but it will last a lot longer than a carved pumpkin. If you have kids, this will be a lot of fun for them as long as they don't draw on themselves using the permanent markers ;)

And here it is making friends with one of my orchids.

Have you decorated or carved pumpkins this year? What design did you use?

1 comment:

  1. TotallyHeavenlyOctober 28, 2013

    I am so with you daaaahling, the best part of Haloween is the half off candy the next day LOL! Too bad they don't do that in England.
    *kisses* H


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