
Sweet Saturday at Dolci Gelati

I haven't been setting my alarm clock for quite some time: first I was on vacation, then I came back to a government shutdown...not that I'm complaining. But this past Saturday I set my alarm clock because there was something I did not want to miss: a tour of Dolci Gelati including multiple tastings. Thanks so much Kyle for the invitation!

"Dolci Gelati, an artisan gelato company, was started in Washington DC in 2006 by pastry chef Gianluigi Dellaccio. Dolci Gelati offers many great varieties of gelato with a consistent level of quality that can only be achieved with artisan precision. The process starts every morning with deliveries from local dairy farms and includes handpicked fruits, fine chocolate which Chef Gianluigi imports from a small sustainable farm in Ecuador and tempers himself, and other fresh, rare ingredients."

I could tell you how the gelato is made, but I think you'd enjoy more seeing the photos.  Before bombarding you with photos, though, I need to say that I was amazed at the passion and knowledge Chef Gianluigi possessed. Also, his wife and children are absolutely delightful and welcomed us with open arms.

First we checked out the Dolci Gelati factory, and saw first hand how they make and store gelato.

Not only does Dolci Gelati has amazing equipment for making gelato, they also have an oven for bread and pastries that is as big as an elevator and rotates an entire rack full of trays! Use your imagination because it was too hard to take a photograph of it.

After trying the freshly made chocolate honey comb gelato and sampling a few cookies and meringues, we headed to the Dolci Gelati store located in Tacoma Park. It was bright, cheerful, and had the same green color as the color of my kitchen. Great minds and all that ;)

Of course I had to try the mango flavor, and it did not disappoint! My other favorite flavor was chocolate. Speaking of chocolate, if you for some reason don't like gelato, you must check out Dolci Gelati's chocolate tarts. They are not too sweet, with crumbly dough, and a rich chocolate filling. Plus, they look gorgeous!

Other offerings include canoli, affogato, and hot chocolate, and there are more enticing treats coming your way in the very near future.

This was such a delicious way to spend Saturday. I guarantee you'll find something you'll absolutely love at Dolci Gelati. Here's where you can find their cafe, truck and retail locations. Also, be on the lookout for the new store opening in Shaw neighborhood soon.

What is YOUR favorite gelato flavor?

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate honeycomb? Want! What a fun reason to set an alarm.


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